
Day 1 of 63

Nothing really much to say today except that everytime I *think about cheating or eating more than my portion of things I think about how little time I have to drop this weight. I haven't had time to workout which is a bummer but I am MAKING time today. I'm going to the gym on my lunch break since it's just around the corner. If I can't for whatever reason, I'm going AT LEAST start with taking a walk around the neighorhood. I still have painful gas in my back and I think I just need to walk it off.

I got my first official star on the Liquid Diet Discussion board the other day. I met my first goal and when I loose 2 more pounds, I will get my first 25 pound Loss banner :-) Hopefully weigh in day tomorrow will bring me that! Alright well, lots of work to do as always. Chat later, God Bless!