
Another day & another loss

So today I wake up and actually feel my bulgin' belly feel a bit smaller and so I decided to jump on the scale. From yesterday I show a 1.6 pound loss. I actually just had to double check that because it was hard to believe. I am so super tired and haven't worked out but today I am going to make a bee-line to the gym and have me a good work out. I totally cleaned house yesterday and my husband did lots of laundry. I have like 3 huge drawer full of just tops and they were an absolute mess so I got those straightened out. Most of those tops I will not get to wear until I hit the 20 pound mark loss so I can't wait. I think I've lost a total of 8 or 9 pounds by now...need to go back and check my actual start weight. Tomorrow is week 3.

I need to wake up Alexis is a few minutes so she can start getting ready to go to the Youth Conference. She needs to pack some snacks for herself. Yesterday she took some but being the generous soul that she is, she shared and apparantly everyone and their mom was starving so everyone took from her low carb stash and left her with little. I would of probably done the same but she needs to eat her snacks on the downlow. Those girls can just walk on up to ANY vending machine and get their fix. There is nothing low carb in those machines for Alexis.

So tonight I have church so I need to make dinner during my lunch break and take 20 minute power walks with Grabriel or Alani during my breaks. So we will see today how it works out.Ok well ta ta, off to make some morning coffee. God Bless.



So from Thursday to Monday I lost another pound which is cool. Even though I should be happy I am always disappointed. I don't know what I expect...I guess I expect to see "165" on the scale but I see "that other weight" which I am too embarrased to post at this time. I promise when I hit the 20 pound loss mark I will reveal the number.

Alexis is continuing to do well. My husband is sneaking in sugars slowly...and I don't want to nag him but he's SO totally and utterly clueless so I kindly reminded him that sugars are a no no, no matter the small amounts he's using. He said he was just waiting for me to say something...I thought "why wait dude"? Apparantly he just can't get used to other sweetening methods. So whatever. He's still loosing though which is a great but if he was to cut out that sugar all together then he'd be in a much better place. Reminding him is as much as I will do. I refuse to nag him because he gets frustrated very easily and he is his mothers son. Their entire family lives on the edge of loosing it. He was the worst, attitude wise, and now he seems to keep his cool much better than they do but he still looses it "quietly" but I can tell he's about to burst with anger sometimes. He checks himself though and many times realizes that it's something that's not really a big deal.

So today I am walking with some co-workers to Costco. I have no lettuce (gasp!) and I also need to hopefully buy some 1/2 and 1/2 if they have it. Oh I need eggs too..we go through eggs like crazy. I need my low carb tortillas too...price to pay when you are mexican is ya need some sort of tortilla in your life....yes it's like no mustard on your corndog, no cheese on your pizza, no ketchup on your fries, ok you get it....wow these are all junkfoods! Cravings anyone?

Ok what else? SO busy at work so I should really go...I'll come back tomorrow and talk about nothingness :-) God Bless.



You know what's SO funny everyone at work is like "Happy Friday! Happy Friday" so I kinda go along with it...but the weekend for me is crazyness! My days return to normal when I return to work on Monday. Yes, I'm the one that says "Happy Monday" and people look at me with darting eyes.

I went to church last night and I loved the message! It talked about how we go to church, we get involved in everything at church but just because we dress right, speak right, etc. doesn't mean we are going in the right direction. It's true! We are so judgemental towards people that "don't dress right" or "speak right" and you know what? They might be closer to God and going in the right direction than someone that's a Sunday school teacher. I haven't read my bible all week. I haven't spent enough dedicated time with the Lord but I am sure one of the ladies in my group in the RU group meeting tonight has. So that message really spoke to me and I realized that I truly do need to get to it. God works out everything for me, He really does.

On to weight stuff...haven't weighed myself but I can still feel like my eating habits are doing it's trick. Alexis's belly is shrinking dramatically and I am curious to see how much weight she's dropped but I'm not going to suggest that she weighs herself cause I don't want her to feel that pressure that sooooo many girls feel. We went grocery shopping last night and my husband commented on how much more stuff we use to get for the same amount of money or less. I said YEP but it's all junk!! I went through the grocery store "specials" in the paper and everything that was on sale were Pop Tarts, Chips, cookies, etc. Nothing healthy.

Ok well I gotta get back to work so I can sign off for the day and start getting ready for Reformers Unanimous tonight. I want to get some type of lesson together for the ladies I counsel in my group. There are some tough ladies in there so I need to be more prepared. Till later, God Bless.


Seeing some progress so soon?!

What I mean is I've seen some really great progress in my husband....actually in me too attitude wise. His attitude has improved 100% and I actually think he's enjoying the energy he's been having lately too. This morning I made him some breakfast and I asked him to buy lunch because I was too tired and I had to start working (working from home). He's going to get a protein burger.

Yesterday the bosses at his work brought in tons of donuts and he said he HAD to have a little piece but I think it was more like peer pressure...nobody actually pressured him but he felt oligated to play it off like he eats donuts like the other men...Junk food is a stable food amoungst his peers and you stand out if you don't join in.

I've felt like that at work and I've felt resentful towards people that refused to join in on potlucks because they've been watching what they were eating. But I know that those feelings of resentment where just because I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THEM, eating healthy and passing up the goods.

Last night the hubby and I discussed switching to ONLY organic foods. They are so super expensive though (especially the meat) so we will see how that goes. It's not like I have tons of money to toss around. Maybe now that we are saving money on eating out we can afford better quality food.

Alexis and I went to the gym last night. She went into the pool because she's not allowed in the gym area yet. I walked on the treadmil but was eager to get to the pool. I haven't gone for a swin because I always feel intimidated. Too many people so I don't go swimming. We went late last night so there were hardly any people there. So I think we will be doing that more often.

Well I think that's it. Need to go grocery shopping again and tonight we have church so I will need to handle that today after I get off work. Maybe I will take the kids to the duck pond or somewhere.

Alright till later. God bless.


1 week and counting..

I really should not be counting....but I am. It's been one week and I am down almost 6 pounds. That weight loss made a little bit of a dent in the weight I need to loose. I need to get all the "extra" fat off of me before I even start seeing any results. Right now I still look fat but I am not as uncomfortable as I was a week ago. Seriously. I was buldging. The Fam feels the same.

I had a talk with hubby and he's being much nicer and complimentary about everything. He realized (by actually paying attention) of all the work that eating right entails. I am getting use to cooking and I had them bookmark recipes from the 15-Minute Low Carb recipe book. Lots of REALLY good recipes and they don't have weird ingredients that require you to look everywhere under the sun to find. I mean low carb foods in general require you to run around like a mad woman to find. Till I find a closer store that is. I live in Southern California and we just want everything handed to us...which is why we're so FAT! Anyway, gas is expensive and time is not something I have to waste. Mom is needed darn it. I read Beck's blog the other day (requires you to have log in and password to read which is why I am not linking her site on this blog entry) but she talked about how feeling needed makes you feel good. I was thiking to myself is this true about me? In a sense it is but then again it's not. I mean I would feel sad if my family did not NEED me at all....but all the NEED I am experiencing at the moment in my household is definitely unwanted. Really.

Ok so anyway, I have lots of work so I need to make this entry brief (again) - so weight loss good so far. I think I need to cut more fat out of our diet though. I have been using margerine and I guess I need to use Butter. So I need to run and get expesive butter cause expensive it is! So the goal for the week is to try to minimize the fat a bit, get some EVOO cause the one I have in my cabinet is too thick. What else? OH work out more! Tonight we are all heading to the gym. Gonna see about playing basketball with the FAM, the gym has basketballs, then I will head up to the treadmill or bike for 40 minutes and they can all go swimming...sounds like a plan. Oh I am totally taking my meds now and I feel so much better. I took my meds before I left work yesterday and I almost fell asleep on the way home (driving...yikes!). God bless.


Low Carb foods

I have been eating this Flax seed oatmeal-like hot cereal in the morning and man is it good!!! There is a strawberries and cream that I totally need to get. The bad thing is that it's like $6.99 - that's what sucks about eating low carb - everything is flippen expensive. The Falx seed chips are good too but they are almost $4 a bag. Anyway I guess it keeps us from eating too many. I'm the only one that eats the hot cereal..for now anyway. I think as time passes and The fam forgets what real oatmeal tastes like, they will give this flax meal hot cereal a try and will like it. My taste buds are more accepting of "different" foods. 1/2 a cut of this stuff (dry) which makes about 1 cup once you add water and Half & Half is 2 Net carbs. Not so bad huh? I added a 1/2 banana and some Equal and it was bomb.

I don't have to much time to journal today but I did want to come on here and mention that although I may be spending more time buying healthier food (or low carb foods) we have only eaten out ONCE in one whole week and that alone has probably made us break even on the money we WOULD of spent eating out or saved us some money. We had Protein burgers from In-N-Out and they were very good. No fries thank you. Maybe we'll go out to eat to TFI Friday's cause they have low carb friendly foods...Anyway, I have a meeting in like 4 minutes so I gotta go.

Oh I am also not going to log my foods in the calorie counter thing-a-ma-bob cause it does not remove the fiber from the carbs so it makes it look like i have tons of carbs eaten for the day. So I am going to journal my foods manually....

ok till later. God Bless.


It all began last Wednesday.....

Can you believe it?...it actually all began on Tuesday. I had a sit down with "The Fam", when I say The Fam I mean husband & Alexis (Alani and Gabriel are too young to understand so they don't count right now but are being involuntarily included in the talk). ANYWAY, we talked about how we are all fatter than ever and that we needed to do something about it. I heard "well why don't you just do this"? I can't because #1 - I am not the only fat one #2 - I can't sit there and cook 2 different types of foods all the time A) it's not fair to me and B) I can't deal with giving them unhealthy food and then turn around and make something nice and healthy for me.

There are many other reasons...I don't want Alani & Gabrield to struggle with being overweight. Why not take care of it now. Alexis is going to be 11 and man she's been going strong! The first day she was getting to my nerves...talking about "oh we won't be able to eat this and that..bla bla" so I said ENOUGH! She was really good until today, she had a piece of wheat toast with her breakfast but she's young and I read how she's allowed more foods into her diet. It's not going to be an everyday thing or even two servings of bread per day. She is only 11 but weights what a 17 year old weighs. Too much..

Anyway the problem child at the moment is my husband. He's NEVER EVER eaten healthy and he claims to have super bad stomach cramps and pains. I told him I don't know HOW healthy food can have this affect on you and he's like "I dunno". Everyday I bust my butt to make good breakfasts, lunches and dinners and when I ask them "how was it" Alexis always loves it (that girl is hungry all the time and easy to please) him, not so much. I am getting REALLY frustrated with him. I dunno what else to do. Just let him eat what he wants? I think I am at the point where I am ready to do that...It's wearing me down....like the whole dissapointment on his part you know? I have worked SO SO SO SO SO hard on planning this whole thing. Every spare minute that I have I spend researching articles that would be helpful to us, reading up on childhood obesity and looking up recipes for me to make. I cleaned out our cabinets got rid of everything that has corn syrup and sugar in them and yesterday I cleaned out the refrigerator (I lagged on cleaning fridge a bit). There are still some things that I have but they are for Alani that I'm allowing her to have sometimes like strawberry syrup in her milk, ramen noodle soup so she can eat on her picky eating day which she has sometimes..grocery shopping like crazy at like 50 different stores because they all carry one healthy product I am looking for but not another. Madness. Anyway today my mood is weird. I felt discourange and sad a little bit cause of my husband but then again he's not AS BAD as I thought he would be. Not sure what to expect/think/get over. I will have a talk with him today and let him decide. Till later..God bless.