
Day 1 of 107

Is that right 107? Wow. My buttocks hurt!!! My gym has these new bike's with a TV and it's interactive. Basically I stayed on for 35 minutes so I could finish my course. When you slow down, other riders in this videogame type of thing pass you up so it motivates you to speed up. There are all sorts of scenery and workout levels to chose from. It was quite interesting! I had not been on a bike for a while and most of you know that if you're not used to riding, the next day when you sit down you feel all sorts of soreness. Ouch.

Then on my lunch break, I went for an actual real bike ride making my behind even more sore. My husband was supposed to come home to relieve me of my wife/mother duties at 6:30pm and was a no show! I called him and heard this "yeah I think I might be late...more like 7:30pm, you can still make it to the gym right"? My response was "um....yeah...I guess...". Then 8pm rolls around, no husband no daughter. They both call me "Yeah we're still in Torrance....getting ready to leave in a minute"....by this time I was upset. There was no more childcare available at the gym! It was my first day of my "I'm going to work out for 3 hours" and I had only 1 hour to go, I was NOT going to fail! So what did I do? I whipped out my kid-bike trailer thing-a-ma-bob, hitched it onto my bike and worked out like a madwoman for an hour. Here's a photo of it, except Alani is 2 years older (and heavier) and there's also a boy by the name of Gabriel that clutched on to his juice and made sure he had his snacks with him...and weighs in at 20-some-odd pounds.

I only rode down a few blocks away from my house but that was enough! I never realized how much of an incline there is on each street! Going down hill was heaven but coming back up...well you know. When I got off that bike it was instant relief. I think my eyes even rolled back from how good it felt! I can't believe I worked out on a bike ALL day long. I walked on the gym treadmill earlier in the day but only to finish off my hour workout in the morning. So day 1 of my "3 hour workout" promise to myself is COMPLETE! I was determined, my kids were happy to go on the ride, and now I am happy because I set out to do what I said I was going to do. AMEN to that! Today should be much easier because husband is in trouble and he knows it! Oh AND I made him dinner that he didn't eat. It looked REALLY good too. Chocolate shakes are better though! LOL...Till later...God Bless!