
Day 1 of 104

I had a hard time last night with snacking. I have to get a tattoo on my forehead that reads "Drink all your shakes". It happens everytime. I avoid drinking all my shakes because in the back of my mind I think I will loose more weight. But I won't! I won't loose so why can't I get that through my head!? I'm irritated with myself. I am making things harder on myself. I will continue to try. I'm not weighing today because of what I said yesterday PLUS Monday will be 7 days of my 3 hour workouts, not today. Yesterday I had a hard time with getting out of the house to workout. I was having another bad day. I can't quite put my finger on it but I just feel discouraged or something? I don't know. I finally snapped out of it and got out of the house and headed to the beach. I walked fast and jogged on and off pushing my kids in the stroller. It was so embarrasing because I had to sit both my kids in 1 stroller because Alani walks too slow (ya know since she's 3 and everything) LOL. I really need to shop for a double jogging stroller. I didn't want to buy one because Alani is older but even in a year she still would not be able to walk for miles at a time! I'm most likely always going to have to take them with me when I work out so I might as well cave in and get one. I will look on Craigslist for a used one. Pray that I find a cheap one!!! It's not like I have $250 for a new one.

Well today is a new day and I am trying to shake negativity and some depression from myself. I am having a hard time with a co-worker and I have SO much work. She's making it harder for me to do what I need to do. I need to get on my knees and pray right now for all these little things that are causing me to feel like this. I need to be as positive as possible while I continue with my weight loss. I need to remain focused and not let these piddly things derail my goals of being thin and most importantly HEALTHY! Thanks for reading my jabber.. God Bless!


Julie said...
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Julie said...

:) Sorry, that was me above.

I hope your weigh in goes really well! You are doing a GREAT job... taking steps towards fitness. Don't strain yourself too hard working out!!!

Love you!