
Day 2

All I can say today is UGH! I feel like pure poop. I have a migraine that goes and comes. I did the salt water flush this morning instead of the herbal laxative tea drink because I wanted to have the morning "clean out" quickly. I took a hot bath and instantly felt better but this stupid migraine came back.

I guess since your body is ridding itself of all these toxins I've gotten the 3 things I've been getting hit with the past 2 months. #1 - Migraines #2 - sore throat #3 - tooth ache. I kid ya not.

So needless to say I am not feeling so hot today. I pray that this passes and I can move on with my cleanse. One great thing is my back is not absolutely killing me anymore which was the #1 symptom to go away so I guess that's one good thing. The migraine just throws a wrench it in though. Makes me want to give up and I really don't want to. So I am going to drink some water, some cleanse stuff (it's really good) and put my head down to rest in my room away from my kids. I guess it doesn't help that I have to clean the house, cook and take care of kids while I am going through this. I am trying not to sweat the small stuff though so we'll see what happens. Alrighty, Happy New Year and God Bless.