
Day 25 of 28

I woke up in a VERY bad mood then the mood got worst when I got on the scale. A 1 pound gain. WHAT?!?? Stupid scale. Oh well I just have to keep on moving along. What else can I do. I can't explain the gain so I am not going to worry much about it.

Last night Serg went to the gym with me! His mom was in town and Alexis left with her to visit some relatives. I called the gym and made arrangements for the babysitting dept. to watch Alani and Gabriel but I ended up leaving Alani with my 13 year old neice Angie. So we worked out and it was nice to have him there so he can see what I do when I leave the house. Hard work to loose this weight.

Not much else going on. I think I might take the day off tomorrow. I have so many things to do and I am so tired that I think I might just do that (if my boss is cool with it of course). God bless.