
Day 24 of 28 - Moods or energy levels?

I LOVE this Anna Scholz top....it's only $115 (i said that sarcastically)... ....& what about that red dress....I love it..$149 for ya!
I am not sure what get's me into a funk. Could be my actual mood or just that I am plain tired. It's hard to tell getting up at 3am every morning. I mean I guess for anyone having to get up that early will be moody AND tired right? Well I can never tell what kind of day I am going to have until at least 2-3 hours after I get to work. Sometimes I do just wake up nice and chipper but those days are few and far apart.

Taking Alexis to the gym yesterday kinda sucked because she has to be 13 to be able to use the workout machines. I need to talk to the trainer upstairs to see if they will allow her to workout as she LOOKS like a 13 year old and is very mature for her age. I might need to get a Dr's note that shows it's ok for her to work out. We will see. Anyway she can use the pool everyday if she wants and I talked to the swimming supervisor and he will allow her to wear her culotts which are like shorts but looks like a skirt. I would just let her wear a bathing suit but her school prohibts them from doing that (that AND wearing pants) but some of the ladies from my church take their boys swimming there and they go to her school so that's a total no no. Some people don't understand this whole Baptist thing where the women wear only skirts thing. I mean I don't like it because I love to wear nice jeans but I "get" why it's important. It does have to do with a woman looking modest. I mean especially now, the way jeans are made. A woman likes to show off her curves right? But the thinking here is "show your own husband your curves and not everyone else's husband". It's harder for the men to concentrate on preaching and hearing the Word of God when some girl at church is wearing these tight jeans showing her thong or her butt crack to you. KWIM? So yeah...this topic can be controvercial of course but in my case there is really no room for debate because I LOVE my church, Alexis loves the school and so the skirt wearing continues (seems like I am having my own debate in my head).

I woke up with a nasty headache today. I treated myself to a piece of wheat toast with my fake butter (forgot the name of it). Bread never tasted so good :-) Had my coffee but yet I still feel crappy. I was tempted to go to my car and take a little nap for an hour. I might still do that and when lunch rolls around I will work through my lunch so not to cheat my work. We'll see about that. Too lazy to get up right now....Serg is staying home today because it's raining and he can't work in the rain. I almost stayed home but I need to save my vacation days so here I am.

Alright well....I guess I am going to get back to work. God Bless.