
Plans plans and more plans

So my plans never go as well....planned. LOL. Things don't go horribly wrong, they just change. We didn't go to the gym but that's ok because I threw in a workout DVD and was surprised at how non complicated it was. I've always steered away from workout DVD's because I always remember the days when I jumped into an aerobics class at the gym and felt like a complete fool. Everyone in the class had all the movements memorized and the aerobics instructor was this stick thin lady that was going a mile a minute. Those classes are so not for beginners. Anyway, I need to buy myself several things to make the workouts more efficient, like the resistant bands, that small heavy ball (forgot what it's called) and some decent weights. My husband has weights but they are total guy weights. I don't want to work out with these honkin' metal things. So as thrifty as I am, I will be keeping a close eye at the open air markets. I am sure I can find a great. The workout DVD I have now (brand new) I bought for $1 as opposed to $15 bucks.

I was also on Craiglist last night looking to buy a used stationary bike. There were some super great deals on there. There was a total gym in there for $50 bucks so I might need to jump on that ASAP. I need to talk to my hubby first though. We didn't get much "us" time yesterday as I had a Dr's appointment for my son's diarrhea issue. I don't know if I mentioned it but he's had it for 2 weeks and does not seem to be tappering off. I took him, he has 2 ear infections (I was surprised to hear that) and has some sort of weird protein allergy. I guess this specific form of protein is in milk based and soy based milk. He's on soy milk already so I really thought it might be a parasite or SOMETHING. Well the answer was no and he switched him to Nutramigen which is that super expensive formula. Good thing I came back to work when I did. Anyway, as long as he gets better, I will fork out the cash for him. He started on it right away and guess what? No diarrhea all night. For almost two weeks everytime I change his diaper, it was a poopy diaper. So I was shocked. It's working!!!!

Ok on to other things. Um.....I never took Alexis to the library as Serg had to go to a meeting with our church regarding our new building. She was upset but she's impatient just like I was when I was a kid. My mom was telling my husband all about it and he was like "Really"????? So I am going to try and take her today.

Ok healthier eating subject....ok so on Discovery Health challenge it "allows" me to have 1800 calories but the menu's it creates for me are never more than 1400 calories so I am sticking to 1000 to 1300 calories per day. I will keep cutting that down if I don't see the scales move within 2 weeks or so. I need to be good on the weekend. I can't stress that enough. I need to make myself yummy food so I don't feel like I am missing out. The only way I am going to accomplish healthy eating on the weekend is if I make my entire family eat healthy. Ultimately that is my goal. Alexis is overweight for a 10 year old and I want to start teaching her how to eat healthy so she does not struggle in the future. She is at risk of developing childhood diabetes so it's pretty serious stuff....I just don't like to address it. I think I feel like it really puts pressure on me to really do this and I don't like pressure. It's got to be done though. Alani is slender and hates fast food LOVES veggies and home cooked meals. I think I read somewhere that most 2 year olds are vegetarians. I know she totally is. She always avoids the meat on her plate. She will eat SOME chicken but not much so I have to make sure she gets her protein elsewhere.

So putting in my "Meal Plan" on FitDay REALLY does help keep me in line. I think twice about sticking stuff in my mouth because I know that if I do, I HAVE to put it into FitDay. I do this in the morning because then it won't get done and having an eating plan really helps. Sometimes there are changes in my dinner but I still keep it healthy and I make the changes on FitDay.

I believe that is it for today...I might come back here later when I think of other things. Till later. God Bless.