
Staying on top of things....

So I often wondered how women would spend months and months, even years loosing weight, then once they got pregnant they gained it all back. I so understand how this can happen. I have been eating crappy since I found out I was pregnant. Not sure what the damage is until I weight myself on that digital scale at the doctors office. Ok so the #1 reason for me eating crappy is that I KNOW I will be put on the gestational diabetes diet within the next week or so. So I thought I would indulge until then. The problem with that is that I have felt like I was 4 months pregnant (well I might be) but still. I didn't feel 4 months pregnant on 2/10 so why should I feel like this 11 days later? Anyway, my bloating from all the crap that I ate is pretty much gone. I have been eating a little better the past 2 days. The problem has also been that we have been eating take-out SINCE 2/10. I am making an effort to start making our breakfast, lunch and dinners now. I am also going to continue walking with Laura during my 20 minute breaks so I am work out a little. Depending on the weight I did gain during my 10 day feasting, I only want to gain a total of 15 pounds. This way, when I give birth, all the weight will come off :-) Sounds nice, now let's see if this will happen.

Anyway, so much has happened since my my OB surprised me with "peanut". I ended up telling my boss, and she said that when things start to get tough, with my diabetes, blood pressure, to let her know, get a note from my doctor and she will let me work from home. OH MY SOUL! I was so surprised and thankful. The perks of working from home are this #1 - Get 2 more hours of sleep PER DAY #2 - Once I get off at 1:30, I am already at home! I don't need to commute for 1 or 2 hours. #3- Save about $400 a month on GAS. #4-mileage on my new Envoy (well it's a 2002 but it looks brand spankin new).

So my other blessing, was that we GOT a 2002 GMC Envoy. It's so the bomb! It has low mileage, it's got the whole shabang! (leather and electric everything). Like when I am backing up, the mirrors adjust so I can see the curb, the mirrors even have a defrost fuction! I must be ghetto cause I didn't even know this existed! I have a car payment now, but with our growing family I didn't have a choice we had to get a new car. Now all I am waiting to get is my first ultrasound which will confirm my due date and I get to see my new bubs heart beat and hopefully we will get to see him/her squirming around. I can't wait!!! March 1st is the date. I took my 1-Hour Glucose tolerance test yesterday and I think that's why I have a headache today and why I had one last night. Too much sugar at once. I have a nasty bluise where the lab tech drew my blood. I am not really afraid on needles but this one was honking HUGE! I have a bruise to prove it!

Yet another blessing!!!! I just listened to some of my 10 voicemails at work, and one of them was from a fundraiser we were using, I lagged a little on sending the materials back (what we didn't sell) and they were going to charge us $15 per book and I had like 100 of them!! Man I panicked so bad! We can't pay $1500!! After I got off that call I prayed and prayed and prayed! On the LOOOOONG drive home on Friday that's all I could think of and I knew that would happen but before I left work I said a heatfelt prayer to our Lord God and I searched scripture for a Word from Him, I NEEDED to hear from Him because I was on the verge of tears and breaking down, then he LITERALLY led me to 1 Kings 9:3 which is this (I am still in awe and I should be because HE is good!!):

"The LORD said to him:
"I have heard the prayer and plea you have made before me; I have consecrated this temple, which you have built, by putting my Name there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there."

When I read this, I instantly felt the heavyness in my heart drop. I still fought thinking about it on my 3 hour drive home, but I knew He would be there, even if I did have to pay for it, He would be there to support me. Thank you God!

Man I feel great! I promised God that I will become a better Christian. I must. He has given so much to me already, even before I was born, and now this. I am just in awe of His greatness. I hope that anyone reading this will go to the "Plan of Salvation" link on the right, get right with God, accept Jesus as your Lord Savior and pray. Pray your heart out to Him and you will see great things from Him. THAT is guranteed. Live right and you will reap the rewards. YOU WILL HEAR FROM HIM.

God bless.