
Free weekends?

Ok so it's Monday and I do want to scream cause I just read my Friday post. It was SO cold this morning and I had to wash my hair. I knew I should of done it last night but I was just too tired. Man I zonked out too! It probably took me all of one minute to fall asleep. I woke up Saturday morning feeling slimmer (yeah you can actually feel it) and so I weighed myself, I hit a new all time low of 218 which felt pretty darn good....then I go and mess it up by thinking that I have a free weekend. By that I mean that I can just eat badly because it's the weekend. My brain's excuse was "I am feeling better and I will be able to work out this week and can just burn it off real quick". Um...not my excuse, but my brain's. I was not up too much this morning and I am confident I can get it off by tomorrow or Tuesday. I am 5 pounds away from being the weight that I was before I got pregnant with my 1 year old. It will be nice to see what it feels like to be "back to normal" after a whole year. I could of been there a long time ago, but I was too into my Alani. She is so flippen adorable and we waited for God to give her to us for some time so I had to enjoy her (and food) LOL.

So I am cracking the whip on myself on weekends. No cheating. The ONLY time I will be allowed to "enjoy" a meal is either Friday or Saturday night OR Saturday or Sunday morning. Ya know, have a nice juicy dinner OR yummy breakfast.

Christmas is right around the corner and I still have some shopping to do, I have to wait for some $$ to roll in cause I am fresh out of the $$skrilla$$. I think we bought Alani too many toys. Sergio has really been spoiling her lately and I have been talking to him about NOT spoiling her so much, but he's been laughing it off like it's funny. If he wants to continue to spoil her I will have to hope that the future 2 year old tantrums she throws in public are when she is with him and I am nowhere in sight. I am sure that Alani has plenty of these tantrums in store for me so I will need to have a serious talk with "DA-DEE". That's what she says ALLLL day long, back to back to back to back. DA-DEE!