
Keeping it together

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The other day I sorta broke down a little...I just felt overwhelmed. It was weird because my house was pretty much clean, I was just going to mop and be done but all of the sudden I felt like I had to cry because I felt VERY depended on. I know I am a mom and a wife and I expect to be pulled in all directions but I was just doing too much. Plus super planning my healthy meals, their meals, cramming in my exercise.

My husband works 6 days a week about 11 hours a day so I took over many many of his house duties because I saw how dirty and tired he looked when he got home. I didn't feel right asking him to do the laundry. I sit at a desk all day and he has lost like a lot of weight becuase his job is so labor intensive. So he had been outside doing something and he walked in just as I had finished washing the mop out. I was trying to communicate these feelings I had to him and I just busted out in tears. Nothing major, just a little breakdown. He sat me down on the couch and asked me to tell him what was going on, so I told him, he just sat and listened and ever since that day he has stepped it up on the help like 1,000%. He took over his laundry duties again, he takes over the girls when he gets home, tells me to go to Curves and he does the home thing, and best of all I have been resting (as in sleeping, naps).

I figure I get up at 3am, have a 63 mile commute, I work out during lunch, drive home takes me an hour and a half, I pick up the girls from school, give Lauren a ride home, go home clean, start dinner, try and play and pay attention to Alani as much as possible, Serg gets home, we eat and it's about 8pm by this time, I shower, bathe the baby, clean up kitchen from after dinner, get to bed at 9:30. SO I AM EXAUSTED! The next day same thing, except for Wednesdays we go Soul Winning from 7pm-9pm, Thursday we have Church Services 7pm-9pm, Friday off, Saturday we have our Purpose Driven Life Study 7-9 and Sunday we are at Church from 9am-11am then 6pm-8pm. As you can tell me love God and we learn so much from all the services we attend and the PDL study. It's really a blessing but it takes a toll on you sometimes. I thank God that my husband understood where I was coming from and I am glad that I am reading "The Power of a Praying Wife" I think that God likes it when I pray for my husband and is doing great things in him. Like I always say, God is good!