
Good weekend??

Well I lost weight over the weekend. That's a first! Maybe it's because I can't chew anything on my left side. Since going to the dentist 2 weeks ago, it seems like I have been having pain in my mouth ever since. I don't know what they did to me! One of my molars is KILLING me! I took an 800mg Ibuprofen yesterday after church and I fell asleep for 2 hours with an ice pack on my left side of my face. I was in such pain that I actually wanted a dentist to see what the heck was going on. Well from the calls that I made to my dentist and my insurance, aparantly nobody EVER has a dental emergency on a Sunday so there I am listening to an answering service person telling me to go to the Emergency Room. For what so I can sit there for 5 hours and they can tell me I have to make an appointment with my dentist? Yeah. I took another Ibuprofen, got another ice pack and went to sleep. GREAT...now that I actually get to eat on Thursday, I probably won't cause I am sure I am gonna need a root canal or something crazy..SIGH...well see. The ONLY good thing is I am down 12.4 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks. Great job (patting myself on the back) :-)