
38 week 1 day

I ran out of titles and since I have been posting often and really have nothing to talk about except to keep complaining :-).

Last night I slept pretty good. I mean it still sucked that I got up 5 or 6 times to go to the bathroom, but I kept coming back to bed and falling asleep. I of course kept dreaming about having the baby all night. I am flippen traumatized. I can walk a little better today but it still takes me like 3 or 4 minutes to actually get to walking a little normally (I walk as if I had poop in my underwear - yeah nice visual). I try my darnest not to walk like that in public but ya know sometimes you just don't have control.

I actually went to the Dodgers game with my hubby, Alani, Alexis and Lauren. Serg was SO lucky and was able to park RIGHT BY the entrance door. THAT right there is luck cause I would of NOT made it walking. I would of had to stop 4 or 5 times. Our seats were very close to the entrance as well so God was with me this whole time. I went because I wanted to walk. But I didn't do much walking. Not that I would of been able to handle it anyway.

Today I feel like crap. My neck hurts from sleeping on two pillows, I feel as if I am going to throw up right now. I had a nectarine and still don't feel better, so out of deperation I had some Peanut M&M's, still no feeling better. Isn't chocolate supposed to make you feel better? Maybe I just need to have lunch now. It is about lunchtime. Baby has hiccups again. Seems like he's had tons of hiccups everyday.

I thought I was in labor yesterday cause of that insane pain I had and I had sharp pains "down there". I had read somewhere that that was sign of labor. I guess not for me cause I am STILL here. Ok well that's it I guess. God Bless.