
Words.....Life.....and changes

I was getting into the shower last night, hours before my sister Nancy headed back home to San Jose after visting with us since Friday. I picked-up
looked at my very overweight body. I can actually say I was disgusted with myself. This and the fact that I have not been a very good Christian the past 6 months. I prayed and pleaded to God to help me become a better healthier person. I think I can try much harder towards working on myself! I am sick when I wake up EVERYDAY. I think the days where I wake up refreshed and pain free are far and few between and that can't possibly be good! I work hard at work...that I do and will continue to do but I also need to start at 5am like I use to. My gym is too far from here but I do plan on just buying a treadmill and hooking up my garage as a gym. I can easily take my 15 min break and work out. My sister suggested I just put it in my office. Get a small Ipod since mine never worked!

Ok well I'll come on here later. My brain is done for now...I'll come on here later and talk about my decision to go to College :-)