I have been up since 2am today with aches, pains, itching, numb fingers, swoleen left hand, cramping back pain and abdominal pain. Let's see what else....oh and neck pain from sleeping all funky weird when I do sleep. I am surprised I have not bawled out. I think it's because I know it will not help. You know what I have been doing? I serve myself some cereal. That's been my comfort. Not that high in sugar so no worries there but still not 100% good for me. My stomach has been super hard this morning, baby moved earlier today a bunch of times so he's all good. Tomorrow is my Dr's appointment and the closer it gets, the more I am thinking he's not going to strip my membranes. I figure I will be 37 weeks 3 days and he'll think he won't do it till my next weeks appointment since they are weekly. Like I said earlier I think the ONLY way this kid will be on his way out is if he's measuring big but I think the Doc will be willing to let me suffer another week. Crap.
Anyway,every day that passes feels like another week. I am tired and my energy burst has come and gone. Now I am just in constant pain and don't want to do anything. I did all my nesting things. Sure the closet needs to be reorganized cause it is driving me crazy. Sergio supposedly reorganized it but to tell you the truth he made it oh so much worse. Maybe if I am not in so much pain I will just handle it later. The problem is I can't bend down much so I might recruit him for help. He's got a few projects of his own lined up (by me of course) like finish painting up the patch up work he did on my room, the kids room and the living room. There are a few other things to do as well that I just don't remember or care to mention much cause I am in a bad mood. Be back tomorrow to report on my Dr.'s appt. God bless.
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