
37 Week Dr. Appt.

Man I was just looking at my picture for this blog and my face looks so thin. Can't wait to start my weight loss again. Sigh...soon..but as always not soon enough. I added the photo above which was a photo from 36 weeks 3 days. 1 week ago and seriosly, my stomach IS bigger. I inverted the colors so I would not torture you with a view of my stretch marks and my bra. Not sure why I took the pic that way. Anyway, it doesn't look so much like a bra with the colors like that. Anyway....that's me NOW....

Dr's appointment went like this - Baby is fine, vitals are good, blood pressure was a little high when I got there but they took it again and it was acceptable. No weight gain (can you believe it). I am sure I hit my max weight anyway. So the nurse tells me to undress from the waist down cause the Dr. was supposed to do some procedure but I am sure she is talking about the GBS test he did already. I did anyway, but he came in and said "oh I'm sorry she didn't know we had already done it". Tells me my protein test was up but that he STILL did not want to strip my membranes because I am not 38 1/2 weeks YET and moms with diabetes, he'll only induce or do that IF the baby was still in danger but baby is ok now. He wants to wait till next week IF I have not had the baby by then. He measured him and his head measures on target 37 weeks 4 days (1 day over), his waist 39 weeks 5 days I think, and his femer bone 38 weeks 2 days or something. Weight, 7 pounds 14 ounces, probably more like 8 pounds (by 2 ounces). Sheesh and I still have 2 more weeks - REALISTICALLY. Do I think this baby is going to reach 9 pounds. Yep I sure do think so. Darn it. Either my episiotomy is going to be much bigger this time or I am gonna end up with a c-section. Darn it. I am going to try my darnest to get him out naturally. I am gonna keep praying that he comes next week. Maybe he will come the same day or next day after the Dr. strips my membranes. I think Alani was born 4 or 5 days after he did that. My water was leaking like feels like I am now though. I *HOPE it is and the darn bag pops already and he comes. I am flippen tired, super cranky and in pain which I think I have mentioned in every post for like 2 months.

I was having a good day, then my day took a turn when I got home. I just got in a bad mood once these fricken contractions kicked in. I keep thinking the stupid things are doing something cause THEY HURT but here I am *STILL....no baby. Anyway I am being such a big whinny baby. My numb fingers and swollen left hand, carpel tunnel. Yep just what I needed. So I went to the orthopedic or SOMETHING dept. and they measured my hand and gave me those hand braces which are annoying to wear and it's hard to type, but they do seem to help with the pain.

Ok well today is church and I am not going again, abdominal pain, hurts to walk and it's just too much for me for people to be asking me "How much longer"? I can't handle that right now. I need to be alone lounging around at home. Seems like I need a nap or something too. Um...I think that's it. God Bless...