
Ya see??.....37 weeks

And now I want to be 38 weeks...I knew it. Gosh I can't believe I am almost at the end of the road. You loose sight of that with all the aches and pains of pregnancy. You really really do. Seeing women post on the pregnancy boards and it reads "21 week 2 days" in their siggy, makes me want to scream. I could not imagine myself being there right now. I am sure when that was me women at the stage I am at now felt the same.

So baby is good, I think, he's been sorta lethargic all night and this morning. I got up a million times with my weak bladder and all. I am going to get some ice water in a minute and see if he gets his lazy butt up. He was up high all night and was giving me a charlie-horse-type pain in my right side abdomen. I think I actually let out a scream (not a screaching scream) but an uncontrollable "OWWW this flippen hurts scream"!!! Everytime I get up from bed, I think "is my water going to break"? But it doesn't. I keep looking at my undies for leaking amniotic fluid which is what I had with Alani. That Sunday with her, I kept changing my underwear because I though I kept peeing on myself, but it didn't smell like pee! I knew it wasn't it was just too much. So anyway, no dice this time (not yet anyway). This kid seems to be comfy. I have another NST appt. today and I pray that they see these SO VERY PAINFUL contractions or pains I have been having ALL WEEKEND long. But I pray that he is not in distress as well. I mean it hurt to do anything, walk anywhere. I managed to go for a walk because it really felt like my labor had started and I said, let me help this kid get out. Well both times (Saturday's walk to Stearns Park and Sunday's walk around two blocks with Alani) proved to be quite the challenge. Yesterday especially. I had to go down one sidewalk and get on another and I could BARELY manage to pull up my leg enough to get on the curb. I had such a bad contraction and I felt like "ok THIS has GOT to be it" but I walked a little more (so I could get home) and managed to shake that one off. I was in pain though and could barely bend down enough to unstrap Alani from her little buggy car. She wanted to stay outside but there was no way, I needed to sit down and drink some water. So I said "come on you want juice"?? She is a total juice girl. That's probably why she gets diarrhea all the time. Her and her juice. Or I get her in the house by saying "come on you don't want to watch Veggi*e T*ales"? Almost always works. Well thank God it worked. Serg and Alexis were at church. I was going to go, but Serg knew by all the pain I was in that there was no way I was going to get dressed and out of the house like that. Everyone is just WAITING.....

My mom called me yesterday (left me message) and asked me what was happening. She thinks it will be any minute now, and it might be, but I don't think it's gonna happen till the Dr. strips my membranes which I don't even know if he will do it at this Thursday's appt. even though I will be 37 weeks 3 days. I think he is going to make me wait until next weeks appt. which SUCKS...I am gonna beg though. He's going to review my NST tests, I will tell him about my STILL itching, bad painful contractions, the swelling in my left hand where I can BARELY make a fist, the 24-7 numbness in my two left middle fingers, my BIG belly. I think the only thing that will convince him is the size of the baby. He was measuring 2 weeks ahead last time and I can guarantee you my belly is the size of a woman that is 40+ weeks pregnant! It's HUMOUNGOUS. Seriously. I don't sleep very well at all. As a matter of fact, I slept propped up, like sitting up literally, on my bed last night because I kept getting too many pains from the baby's weight. But you know.....OB's get crying women begging them to take the baby out when they darn well know the baby is not ready so I really think they are prepared to shoot you down easily. They don't really care about the tears and all your drama stories about not being able to sleep. I know in their head they think "well use birth control next time woman if ya don't want to be suffering like this". Anyway, that's just the way I think it goes down in their brain.

Alright, well we will see what happens. I am sure I will be back to complain some more some time this week. Ta ta and God Bless.