I ran out of titles and since I have been posting often and really have nothing to talk about except to keep complaining :-).
Last night I slept pretty good. I mean it still sucked that I got up 5 or 6 times to go to the bathroom, but I kept coming back to bed and falling asleep. I of course kept dreaming about having the baby all night. I am flippen traumatized. I can walk a little better today but it still takes me like 3 or 4 minutes to actually get to walking a little normally (I walk as if I had poop in my underwear - yeah nice visual). I try my darnest not to walk like that in public but ya know sometimes you just don't have control.
I actually went to the Dodgers game with my hubby, Alani, Alexis and Lauren. Serg was SO lucky and was able to park RIGHT BY the entrance door. THAT right there is luck cause I would of NOT made it walking. I would of had to stop 4 or 5 times. Our seats were very close to the entrance as well so God was with me this whole time. I went because I wanted to walk. But I didn't do much walking. Not that I would of been able to handle it anyway.
Today I feel like crap. My neck hurts from sleeping on two pillows, I feel as if I am going to throw up right now. I had a nectarine and still don't feel better, so out of deperation I had some Peanut M&M's, still no feeling better. Isn't chocolate supposed to make you feel better? Maybe I just need to have lunch now. It is about lunchtime. Baby has hiccups again. Seems like he's had tons of hiccups everyday.
I thought I was in labor yesterday cause of that insane pain I had and I had sharp pains "down there". I had read somewhere that that was sign of labor. I guess not for me cause I am STILL here. Ok well that's it I guess. God Bless.
So today I am finally 38 weeks. I have a Dr's appointment on Thursday and he is going to strip my membranes. I got about 2 hours of sleep last night - totally in like 20 minute incraments of course. Contractions kept waking me up and for a quick second, I thought "maybe this is it". I told myself, well if it's the real deal I will know cause "real" contractions hurt like nobody's business and I WILL KNOW. Anyway, I actually had a bit of a breakdown yesterday. I was feeling a little extra crappy, so I jumped in the shower to relax, then decided I was going to make myself take a nap. Naps always help right? Well they seem to make me wake up in a worst mood at times (most of the time). It was warmer than usual yesterday and I can feel my body super hot on my bed, but it takes me like 5 minutes and a lot of pain later to flip over to my left or right, so I finally did, and I felt a bad headache coming on and I thought great!! My hubby was doing laundry this whole time but I am not sure how long I was actually asleep. Anyway, I woke up, went to the bathroom and just started to cry! I could not help it. I knew it was NOT going to help me have this baby, but I just feel so miserable. I needed to just let it out.
So I come out of my room and go to the kitchen and my hubby comes in from the laundry room and he looks at me and instantly knows something is wrong. He gives me a hug and I can't hold back my tears. He SEES how miserable I am. I mean, the itching is BAD, my carpel tunnel is now pretty bad in both hands, I get contractions all day long with nothing to show for, I can't get comfortable ANYWHERE, I can't walk, I can't sleep. It's bad and he knows it. I tell him I am sorry and that I don't mean to be a crybaby but it's all too much for me right now.
I was praying hard, "God please the birth of this baby is up to you, it IS your will, but please let your will be SOON!!!!". Okay enough. My babysitter is getting induced tonight, or tomorrow I should say cause she goes in at midnight tonight. Her original due date was 9/24. I wish my Dr. would just induce me on Friday already. Darn it. So her daughter will most likely be born on 9/19. Lucky her! She has an end is sight. I bet she's gonna have a GREAT DAY TODAY!! I would be happy as a clam if I was her. Fun to know that today is the last day you can tiddy up and prepare as much as possible to get ready to have a baby. Sigh. My time is coming soon. The most I will be pregnant is 1 1/2 more weeks which makes that 9 days. That's not long to a regular non pregnant person that prances around like nothing. I will be that person SOON ENOUGH!
Ok I am officially a little looney. Maybe this experience will get me going on my weight loss once I have the baby. I will have control over my body again after almost a YEAR!!!! Can you believe that....a whole year of carrying something in your belly and being an emotional fricken wreck. Wowzers...well I will stop...God Bless.
Man I was just looking at my picture for this blog and my face looks so thin. Can't wait to start my weight loss again. Sigh...soon..but as always not soon enough. I added the photo above which was a photo from 36 weeks 3 days. 1 week ago and seriosly, my stomach IS bigger. I inverted the colors so I would not torture you with a view of my stretch marks and my bra. Not sure why I took the pic that way. Anyway, it doesn't look so much like a bra with the colors like that. Anyway....that's me NOW....
Dr's appointment went like this - Baby is fine, vitals are good, blood pressure was a little high when I got there but they took it again and it was acceptable. No weight gain (can you believe it). I am sure I hit my max weight anyway. So the nurse tells me to undress from the waist down cause the Dr. was supposed to do some procedure but I am sure she is talking about the GBS test he did already. I did anyway, but he came in and said "oh I'm sorry she didn't know we had already done it". Tells me my protein test was up but that he STILL did not want to strip my membranes because I am not 38 1/2 weeks YET and moms with diabetes, he'll only induce or do that IF the baby was still in danger but baby is ok now. He wants to wait till next week IF I have not had the baby by then. He measured him and his head measures on target 37 weeks 4 days (1 day over), his waist 39 weeks 5 days I think, and his femer bone 38 weeks 2 days or something. Weight, 7 pounds 14 ounces, probably more like 8 pounds (by 2 ounces). Sheesh and I still have 2 more weeks - REALISTICALLY. Do I think this baby is going to reach 9 pounds. Yep I sure do think so. Darn it. Either my episiotomy is going to be much bigger this time or I am gonna end up with a c-section. Darn it. I am going to try my darnest to get him out naturally. I am gonna keep praying that he comes next week. Maybe he will come the same day or next day after the Dr. strips my membranes. I think Alani was born 4 or 5 days after he did that. My water was leaking like feels like I am now though. I *HOPE it is and the darn bag pops already and he comes. I am flippen tired, super cranky and in pain which I think I have mentioned in every post for like 2 months.
I was having a good day, then my day took a turn when I got home. I just got in a bad mood once these fricken contractions kicked in. I keep thinking the stupid things are doing something cause THEY HURT but here I am *STILL....no baby. Anyway I am being such a big whinny baby. My numb fingers and swollen left hand, carpel tunnel. Yep just what I needed. So I went to the orthopedic or SOMETHING dept. and they measured my hand and gave me those hand braces which are annoying to wear and it's hard to type, but they do seem to help with the pain.
Ok well today is church and I am not going again, abdominal pain, hurts to walk and it's just too much for me for people to be asking me "How much longer"? I can't handle that right now. I need to be alone lounging around at home. Seems like I need a nap or something too. Um...I think that's it. God Bless...
I have been up since 2am today with aches, pains, itching, numb fingers, swoleen left hand, cramping back pain and abdominal pain. Let's see what else....oh and neck pain from sleeping all funky weird when I do sleep. I am surprised I have not bawled out. I think it's because I know it will not help. You know what I have been doing? I serve myself some cereal. That's been my comfort. Not that high in sugar so no worries there but still not 100% good for me. My stomach has been super hard this morning, baby moved earlier today a bunch of times so he's all good. Tomorrow is my Dr's appointment and the closer it gets, the more I am thinking he's not going to strip my membranes. I figure I will be 37 weeks 3 days and he'll think he won't do it till my next weeks appointment since they are weekly. Like I said earlier I think the ONLY way this kid will be on his way out is if he's measuring big but I think the Doc will be willing to let me suffer another week. Crap.
Anyway,every day that passes feels like another week. I am tired and my energy burst has come and gone. Now I am just in constant pain and don't want to do anything. I did all my nesting things. Sure the closet needs to be reorganized cause it is driving me crazy. Sergio supposedly reorganized it but to tell you the truth he made it oh so much worse. Maybe if I am not in so much pain I will just handle it later. The problem is I can't bend down much so I might recruit him for help. He's got a few projects of his own lined up (by me of course) like finish painting up the patch up work he did on my room, the kids room and the living room. There are a few other things to do as well that I just don't remember or care to mention much cause I am in a bad mood. Be back tomorrow to report on my Dr.'s appt. God bless.
And now I want to be 38 weeks...I knew it. Gosh I can't believe I am almost at the end of the road. You loose sight of that with all the aches and pains of pregnancy. You really really do. Seeing women post on the pregnancy boards and it reads "21 week 2 days" in their siggy, makes me want to scream. I could not imagine myself being there right now. I am sure when that was me women at the stage I am at now felt the same.
So baby is good, I think, he's been sorta lethargic all night and this morning. I got up a million times with my weak bladder and all. I am going to get some ice water in a minute and see if he gets his lazy butt up. He was up high all night and was giving me a charlie-horse-type pain in my right side abdomen. I think I actually let out a scream (not a screaching scream) but an uncontrollable "OWWW this flippen hurts scream"!!! Everytime I get up from bed, I think "is my water going to break"? But it doesn't. I keep looking at my undies for leaking amniotic fluid which is what I had with Alani. That Sunday with her, I kept changing my underwear because I though I kept peeing on myself, but it didn't smell like pee! I knew it wasn't it was just too much. So anyway, no dice this time (not yet anyway). This kid seems to be comfy. I have another NST appt. today and I pray that they see these SO VERY PAINFUL contractions or pains I have been having ALL WEEKEND long. But I pray that he is not in distress as well. I mean it hurt to do anything, walk anywhere. I managed to go for a walk because it really felt like my labor had started and I said, let me help this kid get out. Well both times (Saturday's walk to Stearns Park and Sunday's walk around two blocks with Alani) proved to be quite the challenge. Yesterday especially. I had to go down one sidewalk and get on another and I could BARELY manage to pull up my leg enough to get on the curb. I had such a bad contraction and I felt like "ok THIS has GOT to be it" but I walked a little more (so I could get home) and managed to shake that one off. I was in pain though and could barely bend down enough to unstrap Alani from her little buggy car. She wanted to stay outside but there was no way, I needed to sit down and drink some water. So I said "come on you want juice"?? She is a total juice girl. That's probably why she gets diarrhea all the time. Her and her juice. Or I get her in the house by saying "come on you don't want to watch Veggi*e T*ales"? Almost always works. Well thank God it worked. Serg and Alexis were at church. I was going to go, but Serg knew by all the pain I was in that there was no way I was going to get dressed and out of the house like that. Everyone is just WAITING.....
My mom called me yesterday (left me message) and asked me what was happening. She thinks it will be any minute now, and it might be, but I don't think it's gonna happen till the Dr. strips my membranes which I don't even know if he will do it at this Thursday's appt. even though I will be 37 weeks 3 days. I think he is going to make me wait until next weeks appt. which SUCKS...I am gonna beg though. He's going to review my NST tests, I will tell him about my STILL itching, bad painful contractions, the swelling in my left hand where I can BARELY make a fist, the 24-7 numbness in my two left middle fingers, my BIG belly. I think the only thing that will convince him is the size of the baby. He was measuring 2 weeks ahead last time and I can guarantee you my belly is the size of a woman that is 40+ weeks pregnant! It's HUMOUNGOUS. Seriously. I don't sleep very well at all. As a matter of fact, I slept propped up, like sitting up literally, on my bed last night because I kept getting too many pains from the baby's weight. But you know.....OB's get crying women begging them to take the baby out when they darn well know the baby is not ready so I really think they are prepared to shoot you down easily. They don't really care about the tears and all your drama stories about not being able to sleep. I know in their head they think "well use birth control next time woman if ya don't want to be suffering like this". Anyway, that's just the way I think it goes down in their brain.
Alright, well we will see what happens. I am sure I will be back to complain some more some time this week. Ta ta and God Bless.
I could not think of a title. My brain is mush what can I say? I was just about to type on here how it's 6:15am, and my contractions seemed to have gone away. But I feel them now, back cramps and all, not as bad but they are there. I have been awake since almost 4:45 or so when my husband woke up to head off to school. It's his last day of school THANK GOD! But he has to go to flippen Ontario to a job site as part of his assighnment. Ontario is like a million miles away from here...ok not a million but at least 50 to 60 and ON A FRIDAY, and when your wife is "officially" in her 9th month of pregnancy. I have really milked that which is funny. I always tell my husband when he won't do something for me "Your wife is 9 months pregnant, probably carrying a 9 pound baby...blah blah blah". I say it kidding around but deep down inside he knows I am rubbing it in. I keep trying to make him let me poke him with one of my SMALL insulin needles but he's like "NO WAY EVER ARE YOU GOING TO TOUCH ME WITH THAT" and I say "and I have to poke myself 5 times a day, 3 times with the BIG needle and you can't poke yourself ONCE ever!!???". I like to tease him, I know he won't do it. I tell him that because he likes to say he's going to have more kids. It's like "HELLO, do you see what I have to go through to pop these kids out". No joke. Even people from church who like to have tons of kids, are like "wow you really got to think about having more kids huh". In reality, it sucks what I have to go through and having been to the Dr. approx. 30 times or so during pregnancy (not counting NST appointments which are 2X a week for 4 weeks), it's not THAT troublesome. I think I am just used to it. But it's weird to hear "healthy" pregnant women say they have gone to their Dr. 5 or 6 times MAX. That is just so surreal to me. Only 5 times?? Really?
I woke up with a headache and have this strange pain on my right side abdomen, like a pinched nerve type. It's kinda hard to walk. I am dreading the effects of adding that 2nd Lebatalol pill for my high blood pressure. Makes me SOOOO sleepy and gives me the worst headaches ever. I was supposed to go into work today but that's a no no according to the Doc. I need to be monitored and get the OK for Monday. I was actually looking forward to going in to work today but oh well. I need to get my paperwork filled out and I really want to teach someone about my sites. I am keeping good notes for them though so I may just go over how to do stuff over the phone JUST IN CASE.
Well I guess that's it. I don't have anything planned for the weekend, probably just lounge around and try to get some walking done, not that I am not in so much pain that I can barely get around, but walking after 5 minutes seems to be ok. I have to be continually walking though, with back pain and all, but it seems to help and make me feel better. So we will see. Alrighty God bless.
Yesterday I was just SOOOOOO overwhelmed. It was a good day then it turned bad really quick. It was Alexis first day of school so I had to help her prepare for it and take her to school. That was all fine and dandy. I came home and when I went to the bathroom and I wiped it looks like I am starting to loose my plug! I was like "what the heck"?? But excited! I kinda panicked also because I start to feel these sorta painful contractions, like menstrual cramp like and some are sharp. I tried timing them but they are very irregular. So I figure, he's just making his way out and I am sure I will know when things are happening. I hope that I am at least dialating so when I see Dr. Marshall next Thursday he will induce?? Not sure. He's not very open to inducing, I think especially when you have high blood pressure. Anyway we will see..
So I take my break and go and pick up Alexis as they had half day their first day of school. As I circle the packed parking lot a few times looking for her, I am having contractions and I'm uncomfortable, but I am still ok ya know, anyway, long story short, I backed into some young guys car as I tried to make way for someone to come through and he was also coming out of his parking space. I was SO upset. None of this would of happened if Alexis would of come straight to the car like she was supposed to. One of the teachers stopped her because she asked her for help in moving the stupid cones. I mean, they should of been more organized and I can sit here and blame everyone and their mom but really, it was my fault. I felt crappy, the parking lot situation was bad, I should of been more careful. I tell ya this was THE WORST week for Sergio to have to go to Carpenters school. He had already missed two class courses (1 week each) so this one was mandatory. But with me getting closer to having this baby, the things that I have been going through recently medically with this pregnancy, then now loosing my plug and the contractions kicking in like they have been, I am classifying it as the WORST week for him not being here with me. He could of taken care of all this taking and picking up crap. UGH. Oh well...things can't always be perfect can they?
Let's see, I called Dr. Marshall on my way to the school to find out lab results for my itching, they were in and the nurse said she would have him call me. He did call me back but I didn't hear my cell phone ring and he just left me a message saying he was sorry he missed me. He didn't say anything about calling in a prescription so I think my test results came back negative. The thing that concerns me is WHY AM I ITCHING???!!!! Last night was BAD....I didn't get very much sleep, between bathroom breaks, going to the couch and my bed, contractions, and itching, sleep last night was not really sleep. I am really tired today and I have a slew of things to do.
I have my second NST appt. today at 11am which really cuts into my work day. I am going to go in tomorrow (to work) so I need to get as much rest as possible today so I can actually get up at 3am tomorrow. I debated going in because of the contractions but I was just reminded by Human Resourses that I have not completed my Leave of Absense forms. It seems like the baby is taking forever so I have been focusing on that and not the details of actually being OFF work. That will be nice. No work for a few months. Anyway, I need to take care of that and also turn in my DSL and phone bills so I can get reimbursed. I also need to show someone at work how to do some of these inclusion and exlusion files for some of my MLS's. So now I hope that the baby does not make an appearance till I can take care of this stuff.
So we will see where these contractions are really are at at the NST appt. I am sure they will barely register even though they hurt! Ok I will update later. ;-) God bless.
So the appointment kinda sucked this time only because Dr. Marshall had just gotten back from vacation and Veronica my nurse wasn't there this time so everything was a little unorgarnized. Anyway, I was SO swollen when I got there I showed and 8 pound weight gain. That's right. Dr. was not worried as 6 of those pounds were surely water weight. We talked about my visit to Labor & Delivery, he said my blood results came back negative for HELLP BUT they didn't order the 1 blood test they needed to order for some other syndrome that gives you the itchies. He ordered and sound almost certain that I had it. I told him it was extremely uncomfortable and I felt like I was going nuts. Unfortunately the test takes 4-5 days to come in (the results)....so now I wait. Sucks because yesterday was a holiday and the weekend and holidays don't count. I am sure I won't get a call until Monday and I don't know how I am going to take this itching!!!! It's HORRENDOUS. He suggested I get the Aveeno Oatmeal bath to get some relief. I did and it didn't help. It made my skin feel nice and soft but that's about it. I even took a Benadryl last night and it helped me fall asleep till 1am then forget it I was up once it wore off......been itchy ever since. SO SUCKS. Baby was good, he didn't measure him and didn't check for dilation or effacement as he was running like an hour behind schedule. He had even forgotten about the GBS test, so I mentioned it and he said "let's do it" so we did, we'll see how that comes out. I don't have another appointment till the 14th which is NEXT Thursday....I started NST testing yesterday and baby was fine. I didn't feel any contractions until she started to unhook me from the machine.
Last night 2 really painful contractions woke me up and I prayed that they would be consistent and they would stop me in my tracks but no such luck. So at the next appointment I will be almost 38 weeks and I am super praying I don't make it but if I do I hope he strips my membranes and that will get things going. I was +1 in protein in my urine so I did the 24 hour Protein urine test on Sunday and took it to the lab yesterday. We'll see what the turns out. My blood pressure was high when I got there so I had to lay down for like 20 minutes and she took it twice till it went down to 130. He said I am showing signs of pre-eclampsia.....so maybe he will induce me??? Man I am so desperate right now.....I would almost do anything. Serg is in school this week though so maybe I just need to hang tight this week, work on walking a lot and finish washing baby clothes.
My parents were here this weekend and my sister was too. It was nice having my family around again. I tell ya though it's exausting. My house is small so all the people in my house is crazy. Once they left, that's when we left to the lab to drop off my urine container (nasty) and do blood work then went to NST appt. We grabbed some Taco Bell, came home and I watched CSI miami for a bit on my bed and took a short nap. Woke up with a headache and in a bad mood. Started to clean my house, vacuum, wash dishes etc. Felt nice to sit and relax in a clean house. The rest of the night was ok. We had leftovers galore so we had them for dinner and we went to bed at like 10. Got up early today to start the day and serg went off to school.
I am not sure what I am going to do this week. Alexis starts school on Wednesday but that's the day I need to go into work...so I would need to take Alani to Alma's really early then let her take Alexis to school on her first day?? Not sure about all that. I am not sure what class she will need to go into or any of that. Then Thursday, I have an NST appt at 11am. I might have to just go in on Friday. We will see...I need to think about this. Ok well I rambled long enough. I will update later this week if I get a call from the Dr. on the blood test results. God Bless.