
38 weeks 4 days

So at my appt. on Thursday Dr. wasn't able to strip my membranes because I was not dilated at all. I was actually pretty shocked that I wasn't because when I was pregnant with Gabriel and Dr. sent me to labor and delivery due to preeclampsia I was already dilated to 4cm at 38+3 so I expected to be at LEAST 1 cm. Anyway, I was bummed but I am 50% effaced, said my cervix was SUPER soft and that my placenta is at the point where it looks ready to be done. I was dissapointed but not to the point where I went home and cried my eyes out like I would have with Gabriel. I was actually pretty good. Serg & I went to Shakey's buffet and enjoyed a nice lunch (I only gained 1 pound, weight = 241 now). My last day of work was on Friday so it's nice to know that tomorrow I don't have to get up early and get ready for work. I can go and come as I please which is nice! Yesterday (Saturday) me and the hubs went to some yard sales. There was not too much good stuff so we only got a few things then we went to breakfast at Mr. Pete's and came home to pick up the kids as we decided I should get in a good long walk to hopefully get things progressing. It looks like something worked because it seems like some white tissue like stuff has been coming out. My contractions have been stopping me in my tracks but are very very sporadic. I keep thinking back to when my water broke with Alani and how many weeks/days I was when it happened and trying to think back to Dr. appts and all that but the truth of the matter is, each baby is different and he'll come when he's ready. SOOOO, my next Dr. appt is on 2/7 which is Thursday and he's going to try and strip my membranes again on that day and he scheduled my induction for 2/11 (Monday 7am). I am secretly praying that I don't make it to Thurs. but again, we'll see. If I do I think I'll go into labor on Saturday maybe?? I'm grasping at straws here lol. I am going to call Veronica (my Dr's nurse) tomorrow to make sure she got my Dr's note to book my induction and will ask her if she can keep an eye on 2/8 (Friday) to see if any mom's that were scheduled for an induction on that day happened to have their babies and I can get squeezed in somehow. My Dr. was going to have me come in for induction on the 8th but there was no open spots so I have to wait till Monday. Sigh...I just want to meet him at this point. Any way, watching the Super Bowl right now waiting for Alexis and Serg to get home from church. I stayed home with the kids as they were napping and I feel like I keep peeing myself. I keep thinking I'm loosing my mucus plug completely or that my water is about to break but NADA. I'll update later this week with increased symptoms I hope.