
Even more sick

I made my family dinner last night..not sure how because I was a mess and am more of a mess today. I did not sleep at all last night. With this tooth pain and then my nose was running like a faucet all night...and my head was pounding...I could not believe it. I totally do not feel like working today....but I'm probably going to have to take tomorrow off so I don't get everyone in the office sick. I am a sneezing coughing mess.

I clocked out late cause I could not get up so I'm going to have to work late now. Sucks. But I might just sign off early and still take tomorrow off. Not like I don't have tons of work.

I still weighed today and I was up from 228.6 to 230! But my body fat was way lower than usual so that tells me that it's just water weight. I did drink tons of water yesterday and hardly went to the bathroom so I'm guessing that could be it.

Well gotta get back to work...just wanted to come on her to report. God Bless.