Besides sickness being a factor in my sleep habits, I seem to wake up so easily. I've been such a light sleeper for so long and it irritates me to no end. I guess it's good when I get up to turn my alarm off once it goes off at 4:50 so I can wake up for work. Once I'm up, I'm up. I should just get my workouts done in the morning. Go to the gym as my lunch break and then just eat at my desk when my lunchtime actually comes. I need to just do it. I've been thinking and thinking about doing it waay too long. My motivation has dwindled after only one week! But I must muster it back up. Being sick is not an excuse.
Today I vow to go to the gym. Once I make myself go 2-3 times I go into autopilot. I read somewhere that someone made a goal to go to the gym for so many minutes per month and I'm really thinking about doing that for motivation. I also have the biggest looser workout video that I need to do.
So the dog...seems to be in every one of my posts. I've gotten more use to him so I listed him for adoption on Craigslist yesterday and I removed him 4 hours later. My e-mail box was blowing up! Everyone wants him. I picked one particular gal and her fiancee. He's a dog walker and they are going to move into their condo in one month so they wanted me to keep him for a month....that seemed to work because my kids still get to keep him but knowing that he'll be someone else's. But they were supposed to come last night and never showed. The guy e-mailed me this morning and said they had a family emergency last night and it got late.... I'm not so sure about that. There is another guy that I considered, he already has a dog and wants a buddy for his dog and he has a large backyard. So I think I will give him a chance and ignore these other people. I do want to take the dog for shots and a de-worming. His belly gets big after he eats and my neighbor said it's probably worms. Eww! I called the vet and it's only $12 to deworm. With shots and an office visit fee will be about $100. Expensive for a dog I'm not gonna keep. So I'll have to make that happen though.
Alright well, weight wise I am at the same....still constipated as all can be. I need to work out for sure today. At least take my kids to the park later today. We have a 3 day holiday coming up which will be nice! God Bless.
I have no idea what my title means..LOL..just trying to get better here! Still sick. My son is still sick and I am up to 231.4 as of today from 228.6. That's almost 3 pounds! I have not had any water, which is adding to my constipation. I can hardly drink any. I can't wait until I can finally breathe through my nose.
I took yesterday off and Leah was a blessing and brought my family dinner! So nice of her. We just sat and chatted for a while.
The dog is still here. It's owner has given him up but we can't keep him. I know, we know, our Landlord would take some serious convincing to keep a dog then to tell him that it's a pit bull would not go over well. I can tell you this, dog's are high maintenance and I give props to those that have them and take good care of them. My kids love the thing but I have to hurry up and try and find him a good home before the attachment gets to be too much for them.
Til later. God Bless.
I made my family dinner last night..not sure how because I was a mess and am more of a mess today. I did not sleep at all last night. With this tooth pain and then my nose was running like a faucet all night...and my head was pounding...I could not believe it. I totally do not feel like working today....but I'm probably going to have to take tomorrow off so I don't get everyone in the office sick. I am a sneezing coughing mess.
I clocked out late cause I could not get up so I'm going to have to work late now. Sucks. But I might just sign off early and still take tomorrow off. Not like I don't have tons of work.
I still weighed today and I was up from 228.6 to 230! But my body fat was way lower than usual so that tells me that it's just water weight. I did drink tons of water yesterday and hardly went to the bathroom so I'm guessing that could be it.
Well gotta get back to work...just wanted to come on her to report. God Bless.
Well I had a rough night last night. I could not sleep cause I keep hearing someone sneezing like REALLY loud. You know those people that actually SAY the word "ACHOOOOOO" when they sneeze? Yeah...and...a feverish 2 year old craweled into my bed and moaned in my ear for hours...then he started being playful and was poking my eyes and would laugh...I woke up with a sore throat and just overall I feel sick. Everyone seems to be getting sick!! Not sure what's up with that.
I stayed home from church today to care for my daughter which is recovering from her cold. I folded a few loads of laundry and also managened to vacuum and feed the kids and my family before they headed off to church.
I weighed myself and was shocked to see a 2.2 pound loss from yesterday. This is the first time in a LOOONG time that I loose weight over a weekend. I walked to the park, did laundry, and we went fishing in the evening and I walked some more. I guess moving my body constantly may have helped. I also drank tons of water yesterday.
I feel really icky though today and I had 4 chicken wings for lunch. My stomach is SOOO empty! Let's just say that I was sick to my stomach yesterday. The Metformin causes diarrhea when it's increased in dosage. I needed to increase it because my hair just kept falling off! That's a big sign to me that I'm not taking enough of it.
So I'm happy about my loss so far. I'm back to where I left off (minus one pound) a few months ago and it's only been a little over a week since I re-started. I can't wait to be into the 210's next week hopefully! Well my kids are ready for lunch so I gotta go. God Bless.
My desk is in desperate need of re-organization and I think I'm going to tackle that today. It's like everyones dumping ground and for the last couple of weeks I've been lightly cleaning it off but it's my working space and I REALLY need to have it nice and spiffy.
The puppy is STILL here. Every morning I get up and take it out, every morning I get up and mop my floor with bleach 3-4 times because it stays in the kitchen overnight. Although it is potty trained (apparantly) I still feel icky. I am convinced I am not ready for a pet and neither is my daughter. I just told her to go outside to pick up it's belongings from the one corner he uses to go to the bathroom and she was like "oh...yeah..again..."..and it's only been 3 days. I can't image what issues we would have 3-4 months down the road.
Yesterday I really tried to stay on track. I made hot wings for my family for dinner with rice and I ate two of them and made myself a romaine lettuce salad with some low cal dressing. It was pretty good and it seems like really staying on track paid off. I am down another 1.2 pounds as of this morning. Today is day 9 and I'm down to 230.8..almost in the 220's! I just had a shake for breakfast and a banana. My stomach felt totally empty and being that I just made my family, bacon, eggs and biscuits & gravy I felt like I should have something to satisfy me a bit more this morning.
I have a long day ahead of me. I feel totally lazy though! My husband is working today so I will most likely take my kids to the park and go for a long walk. God Bless!
Last night was drama with my sister in law. My husband has a second boat sitting in her backyard and she's been bugging him to get it out all summer. I told him to just get rid of it but he wanted to keep it for spare parts for our other boat. Anyway...she's been in a horrible mood all week...I know this because she lives next door and I can hear her cursing her kids out for what seems like forever. Finally, the other day my other neighbor, which has small kids came out and told her to tone it down. Yesterday she decided it was my husbands turn. He always looses his temper with her but he didn't yesterday. If anything he embarrased her in front of her company because he mostly ignored her. So I was proud of him for that :-)
She's been living at that house for 5-6 years and since we fixed up our yard, palm trees, pretty flowers, lawn lights and a really nice patio set, she wants to do the same....apparantly. I don't think it will happen but I guess I should not say that. I just want to smack her sometimes. She's a meanie. LOL.
Ok now that I got that off my chest....the purpose of this post is to report my weakling of a loss...I am down to 232. I gained the .2oz yesterday so really I lost almost 1 pound in two days. That averages to almost half a pound a day which I guess is not bad. If I was to keep that loss up though I would only loose about 3.5 pounds a week and I'm not really digging that so I REALLY need to get my butt in gear and workout! I vow to start this weekend! It's been officially 7 days and total loss is 11.6 pounds. 32 Pounds to go till I reach my 200 pounds goal! God Bless.
I weighed in this morning to a .2oz gain due to too many calorie intake. Not much of a gain but it helped me put my increasing snacking in check. I thought I could get away with tasting this and that. I caught myself a few times yesterday and made myself drink my shake and I was totally fine after that. It's getting to the point of drinking the shake. Last night as I sat to relax I was reflecting on what exactly I had taken in and it was not a whole lot but it was too much for me. I took a bite out of Alexis sandwich, I had one of Gabriel's pringles, I had a taste of peanut butter....ya yeah no more.
I am dog sitting a gray pitt puppy for my husband's friend. kids are. I just can't get use to the thing. It's cute and all but jeez dogs are high maintenance. I guess I have enough things to do than to take on a dog. Surprisingly it's a good dog. My kids tired it out yesterday and by 9pm it was so ready to go to sleep. We left it in my kitchen and when I woke up this morning to clock in at 5am....there he kitchen smelled like dog and I thought I was gonna puke. No dog for us right now.
I need to go get a root canal! I have been avoiding this for about 2 months and it's getting to the point where I have to just do hurts...I've been taking penicilin on my own cause I know there's infection in there somewhere cause my back gum is swollen and once I started taking it, it went away but it still hurts and it's the same type of pain I had when I had my other root canal...I hate the dentist....hate it...hate it! So I have to tell my boss I'm gonna be out as of 10am today...appt is at 11am. Ugh.
Anyway, I guess that's it. Planning on going for a long long walk today. I guess that's where I am going to keep doing since I can't seem to get motivated to get my butt to the gym. AF is still here and in full force so maybe when that goes away I will get a spike in my energy levels. God Bless!
It's so funny when I am loosing weight how excited I am to come on here to report it. I guess that's just the way it is. I didn't expect to see a loss on the scale today because I think I had one too many fish fillets yesterday. Well...maybe it seemed like a lot. I cooked more of that fresh fish that my husband and Alexis caught the other day on the charter boat. It was Sculpin and some Bass and it was still really good. I've been feeling sorta dizzy, flighty and since AF is here full force I think my iron may be low so that's why I had some fish. It's so low in calories and great source of protein so I figured it'd be alright.
As of this morning I am down another pound on the dot. How weird is that? The scale read 232.6. So that makes this week's total 11 pounds and it's been 5 days I think. 3 more pounds and I'll be back where I left off in this liquid diet. I hope this weight keeps coming off!
Anyway, I need some coffee. I drove into work yesterday so I was up super early to drive out there and usually the next day I am very tired. My 3 year old is sick to top it all off and she's drama...she likes to make a bigger deal out of things so we'll see how everything plays out today. I've been thinking of taking a day off so I may do that sometime this week. We'll see... God bless!
I feel much better today! I think I am coming off detox mode. How crazy is that? Junk food is like a drug! So scary! But like any other addict, I am sure I will have cravings and all. I just have to keep praying that I keep moving along.
I woke up this morning to a much less swollen belly and my wedding ring is starting to feel big. My fingers feel relatively skinny and my shoes are big! Funny. Little things like are victories to me!
Weight wise I am down to 233.6 which is a total loss of 10 pounds on the dot! My mini goal is to get down to 200 pounds. The weight chart above shows loss of 18.8 because when I first started to loose earlier this good thing is I had 8.8 pounds I didn't gain. I guess it's good that I actually didn't get up to 255. I thought for sure I had. I felt the same at 243 that I did at 255 so I could not tell. Anyway...this year's total is 18.8 pounds but Thursday will mark DAY 7 of me re-starting and I think I'm off to a great start. 200 is not long away.
I did end up being crazy enough to go to the grocery store alone with my 2 smaller kids yesterday and it wasn't as bad. I just know I wanted to get outta there ASAP though. By the time I finished unpacking things at home I was sweating up a storm. I then had to cook dinner for MY family and another family from church. They had a baby and I was asked if I could cook them a dinner...2 adults 3 kids and take it to their home. I did and at the same time made my family dinner and all I did do was taste the guacamole (homemade so it was fine). On the drive back home, I took my kiddos to the part and parked on the other side of the park so I would have to walk to the swing set and then walk back. The kids had a blast and I got a little workout in.
My husband and Alexis came home from fishing with super fresh fish so I cooked some in some light olive oil and natural spices and squirted it with lime juice and it was DIVINE! I only have 2 small filets but THAT alone kept me full all evening long. I should of had a shake but I didn't feel like killing the yummy taste I had in my mouth.
The only thing that sucks is that I've had my period for 7 days and instead of it dying out, it's kicked in full gear! It did that on Saturday night and hasn't let up. I'm going to add a 2nd Metformin pill this afternoon to try and see if I can get my hormones to get regulated. Alright well things to do so must go for now. God is good!
I'm so ungrateful. I'm excited to weigh in in the mornings and even when I see a loss of over 1 pound I sorta shrug my shoulders and say "eh". I guess I feel like the great effort I am making to drop this weight should be rewarded with a 3 pound loss ~DAILY. Yeah...that's how my brain works. But I should really tell it that it won't loose 3 pounds unless I workout...yeah I am a little crazy in case you had not noticed. Kidding kidding...I'm being silly even though my back is killing me today. I moved to the couch last night because I could hear my neighbors kid crying for a LOOOONG time last night and all the way to my house. She must've been really sick cause she just cried and cried. I kept thinking it was my son and I even went to go check on him.
Well today my husband and Alexis went fishing on a charter boat. Not that I can afford that sort of thing but we didn't really take her anywhere this summer so she deserved to go somewhere fun like that ~without the kids~. After work I plan on taking off for a walk...although I really should go grocery shopping. I don't feel like torturing myself today though and going on a grocery shopping trip with a 3 year old and an almost terrible 2 year old. Plus I go to a grocery store where I pack my own groceries....not fun. I'll let my husband handle that :-)
Well even though it's super early in the morning my inbox at work does not care and has a bunch of unread goody e-mails for me to work on so I must peel myself away and get to work. Chat later. Have a great week.
Oh yeah...down to loss is 1.2 pounds yesterday. Almost 9 pound loss from my re-start date on Thursday. God Bless!
I hate the first days SOO bad! I woke up with a really bad headache and just body aches and pains. The first days off of food is not fun. Your mind plays so many tricks on you. I was at the festival yesterday and yes I did want to eat and I only had a total of 3 shakes yesterday which is not good but I had 2 apples and some fruit. This is the only way I was going to hold up so I did it the best possible way. I've lost a total of 7.6 pounds since thurs so I suppose that's good even though I know it's water weight...So weight as of today 236. Hope to be in the 220's by next Sunday. I'll have to really keep truckin' along. I just want the time to pass!
I stayed home from church today. I just feel like overall...crap. I am dehydrated so i have to keep drinking water but I also keep going to the bathroom so maybe I'm not?
Anyway...yes I just came on here to complain because talking to myself in my little ol' brain is gettin' to me. I think I'm going to try and take a nap...I'll have a shake when I wake up and maybe I'll feel better. Gonna stay home all day today I think...I don't feel like being out and about. Chat later! God Bless.
Wow it gets old coming on here to talk about how I'm going to start loosing weight....AGAIN...the weird thing is that it feels new everytime I start. Seems like I've never done it before and it's really really hard. I started on Thursday and I had discussions in my head about how this is a bad time with me having to work a booth for my co-worker at a festival...lots of food to be eaten at a festival! Then it's our church's 20 year anniverysary and there's going to be tacos and food to be eaten and let's not forget the weekend in general! Well...I didn't talk myself out of it and today is Day 2 of New Lifestyle diet....gonna try and shed these pounds. I weighed myself and it took my just as long to gain it than it took to loose it so i guess that's kind of a good thing. I didn't gain everything back overnight. Not sure what goes off in my head that causes me to derail so drastically and for so long but I am determined NOT to be fat ALL of my 30's like I was almost all of my 20's. I was a pretty decent weight in my 20's for a period there but I know I didn't have a good marriage and then when everything worked out I got pregnant...twice.
My son is going to be 2 years old and I still have not lost the weight I gained with him. So....I am going to try again. This time I am going to be STRICT in just doing liquid because that relationship with food is just not healthy. I can't seem to stick with healthy eating and not get off track. Plus I just want to loose the weight....I really do. I'm not healthy and that's #1 - I feel much better about myself these days despite being at the weight that I am now...which is 240 as of today. I weighed yesterday at 243.6...yikes I know. So water weight of almost 4 pounds. Hoping to be down 10 pounds within 7 days. If I incorportate the gym which I will start tomorrow I should be able to maintain that sort of a loss every week. I'm really serious too. I don't think I've been as serious about this amount of weight loss. It can be done...the only thing I worry about now...not worry about but think about is loose skin but that will be fine within a few months I think....
Alrighty well I have tons of work like always...just took a few minutes to come on here and rant about what I'm up to... God Bless.