
Health Coach & workouts

WOW~ My meeting with the Health Coach went better than anticipated. I was super nervous when I walked in to meet him. I saw a scale sitting on the desk similar to the one I have at home (the one that measures body fat as well). But I quickly got over it and he made me feel super comfortable. He was impressed with my knowledge of foods and basically my body and what worked for me. We went over some nutrition stuff briefly and made me set realistic goals. You know me and those crazy goals (that I can never meet by the way). Anyway, I told him I was sort of clueless on workouts. I didn't know WHAT I should be doing and how much. There are so many contradicting reports out there. SO he made a workout schedule for me!! I meet with him again in one month and he asked me to try and get at least one training session with a trainer at my gym so they can show me how to properly do the workouts on the machine.

I went to the gym tonight. My husband made dinner (a healthy dinner) and it was really good! I had already chopped up the meat and stuff but he still made the effot and when I came home dinner was on the table. How NICE!!!

Work has been super hectic but today I went in to the office and it was nice. I also went to a time management seminar and I didn't think I would learn new things but it was an eye opener. I had a lot of personal revelations while I was there.

I had my annual review and I am supposed to be due for a good raise. I don't know how good but it's supposed to be alright. Then our monthly bonuses are going to start kicking in soon. Instead of getting a quarterly bonus it's going to be monthly which will add $3200 to my salary. Not a lot of money but that's babysitter money!!

Um what else??? I have to make a note of this because I am SO bad with writting baby stuff down. Gabriel started to officially walk last week. FINALLY! The kid is almost 16 months this month! I can't believe how long it took him to walk. Scary thing is this KID IS SOOOOOO BULLHEADED. I mean he's pretty bad. He is NOTHING like my other kids. He will climb on anything if he can pull his little body up, he's there. I find him all over the house, on my huge bed, my dining room table, on window sills, I mean it's scary. I have to constantly be chasing after him. He got an official BOY haircut this week and he looks adorable.I'll have to post a pic soon. His hair got really long and it almost looked like the kid had a wig on. He he he....anyway gotta go...gonna spend time with my hubby because tomorrow he starts another job (with the same union) GOD BLESS!