
Just me and the hubby

I'm going to Las Vegas did I tell you? Probably not, I don't exactly announce that to everyone because they equate Vegas with sin. Um...actually I do too. Well I'm not going to Vegas to do crazy things and expect that whatever I do in Vegas stays in Vegas. We are going to the Antique Roadshow!

Here's why.

My sister in law bought and sold a house a few years back and in the attic she found paintings. They are dated 1806 or something so we think they are worth some money. She has never had the money to get them appraised and so when I went to the antique roadshow website and it said say that they were only having like 5 or 6 shows in the entire US. I signed up to get tickets to the closest place to us and that happened to be Las Vegas - AKA Sin City. Like 8 or 9 months later I get the tickets in the mail!

I've been fundraising to go on this trip. Selling bunches of stuff on Ebay which I did pretty well on thank the Lord. It takes lots of time to do that and manage shipping etc. I buy stuff at the open air markets for $.50 or a dollar and sell it on Ebay for $10 or more dollars so I make a little profit after what Ebay charges to list, final value fees plus what paypal charges.

Anyway, yep so I'm going out there and I'm just going to go sight seeing. I've been to Vegas only once and I was pregnant with Alani and was totally miserable (morning sickness) I want to go see all the cool buildings after we get out of the roadshow.

The kids are staying with a babysitter and Alexis. I'm not going to pretend like I'm not worried, I am. I love my kiddos and anything can happen, I just have to pray for the Lord's protection over them.

So me and my husband are going to be alone in the car and on the way there. Weird. It worries me actually. I haven't been alone with him for a while and that's not good. There's a bit of a rift between us....it's been getting bigger and bigger. Especially lately. I think he has been very selfish lately and to be honest I have a lot of recentment toward him for that. I try hard to not feel this way because I constantly feel like disrespecting him and I don't like that. I don't like to be disrespected so why should I do it to him? I know I have many faults and I am sure I've acted selfishly everyday without really realizing it. I've seen how a lot of women treat their husbands and the Lord knows I don't want that creeping in to my family. We just need to hash it out privately. We need to talk about what is bothering both of us. We need to get on the same page about dicipline and what we both expect out of each other. So I'm really happy that we will be able to get this out of the way and handled so we can both be happier. The key really is communication. We just haven't been able to do it or taken the time to do this.

Anyhoo, I started working really early today and got lots of things done and it's 5:39am. I'm going to get my coffee and work for a few more hours.

Oh the whole reason I came on here, besides the whole Vegas trip is to update you all on my weight loss. As of this morning I am at 232.6. Not much of a loss this week :-( It's something considering I am still having my monthly. Sorry you were probably eating huh? If you pray, please pray for traveling mercies for us and that my kids stay safe and happy while we are away. God Bless!

This is the verse I am going to keep close to my heart in case I feel like I'm getting in the flesh while on my trip:

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.


Julie said...

Wow! VEGAS! I love watching the Road Show... I hope you'll end up being one of the "big winners" they feature on PBS. :)

I think the car time with hubby might be a gift from God. You know, sometimes when the kiddos are around and you are in the throws of the daily grind, it is hard to remember what it was like when you first met your hubby. Remember those days? Oh I sure do. I thought Jason was so sexy, so sweet, so funny, so kind, so etc. etc. etc. I'm SUCH a sap. LOL! I bet you'll have a moment or two on your trip when you'll have a flashback moment. I hope you'll fall in love all over again.

I have a very hard time with the whole submission thing- and for the first couple of years in my marriage to Jason (I was not born again), my mouth just TORE him apart. I'm still working on respect. I'm sure you could give me some tips!!!

The Lord has taught me that with most men, their biggest STRENGTH can often times be their greatest LIABILITY. For example, I have a friend whose husband tours around to different churches, counseling folks on how to be good stewards with money, how to get out of debt, etc. My friend says that her husband is SO GIFTED in finances that they never worry about money at home. His gift truly is a gift to the Body of Christ. However, her husband's constant budgeting can be a source of tension at home. Wife goes to eat an apple that she's bought at the store. As she opens her mouth for a juicy bite, husband says , "Did you buy that on sale?" My friend says she wants to say, "NO, I didn't get it on sale, but I wanted an apple! Can I have my apple now?" LOL!!!

I hope that your trip is more than you ever dreamed. I will pray that the Lord will rekindle the love between the two of you.