
Thursday update

I woke up late today. Intentionally actually. I was SO tired so I just felt like sleeping in a bit. I keep meaning to take a nap when I got home but everyone needs Mom for something. I was so bummed that I did not get to work out last night! I kept trying and everytime I tried to get away it was not happening. Sergio is sick so he did not want to get close to the baby. I started dinner and thought I would run out to the garage to work out but Serg wanted to jump in the shower. He did and when he came out he asked me if I was going to go to the grocery store because he didn't have stuff for lunch. He knew I didn't want to take the baby out so he said he would go with Alexis. All at the same time we talked about when I was going to get tires for my car (the one that he drives) and there happened to be a sale at some tire discount place. He decided to go there and check it out. He calls me 15 minutes later and tells me he's getting new tires put on and it's going to take an hour or so. OK fine, I knew we needed to get tires ASAP as it's starting to rain pretty often and the tires that were on that car were pretty darn old. Anyway, long story short, a 30 minute trip to store turned into 3 hours. He took Alexis to Petsmart to get supplies for her gheko. I even ate dinner alone cause I was hungry and the baby had nodded off.

The one good thing is that I got to spend plenty of time with Gabriel. He was giggling and being silly. He's so cute. I love this age. Except the drooling part.

I WILL get in a workout no matter what today. We do have church service tonight and because of that Alexis does not get homework and so she can watch the baby while Serg takes a shower etc. Then once he's out he can watch the kids and I will workout with her as well. She is doing really good too. I told her I was proud of her to keep her motivated. Lauren was being a brat yesterday and I was glad her dad picked her up early. She was just being a bit abnoxious and she knew I was irritated with her so she was just quiet for a while. Anyway I need to get to work. Till later. God bless.