
Day 2 of 28 - Protein day 2 of 3

I am tired today. The baby slept with us last night and he kept waking up. He ate twice last night for some reason. He's just growing and I need to start giving him cereal more often so he can stay full longer. Anyway Alexis and I worked out last night! I made a deal with Serg that at 5pm everyday (except Sundays) I am suppose to drop what I am doing and go work out. Well I started at 5:30 cause my house was a mess (cause of the weekend) so I washed massive amounts of dishes, put all the stuff around the house away, got Alani snack and juice, got baby fed and started dinner - all in 1 1/2 hours from the time I got home.

Alexis and I did the elliptical machine for 20 minutes, at 2 minute intervals each. Then I went for a 35 minute bike ride so my legs are a bit sore today. I didn't weigh in because I got up late and had to hurry to get out of the house to allow for more driving time as it's raining today. I am gonna get my breakfast together now, fill up on water and get more coffee!!

God Bless.