

I am having a hard time incorporating exercise into my daily routine. If you saw me all the things I had to do on a daily basis you would scratch your head and wonder HOW I was even thinking of adding exercise. I have my days down a little more and I stress a lot less than I used to. I wash clothes every other day and I don't stress out too much if I don't vaccum the house every single day. Anyway, I mentioned that I had bought a workout DVD but I haven't even watched it yet. Maybe tomorrow as today I did the laundry. I weighed myself this morning and I was down to 232.6 so I am down about 4 pounds. I started to do Lindora as well because I so suck at stoping myself the day after my "free day". Like Saturday was my free day and I ate chocolate, cookies, pizza and fried chicken on Sunday. I was supposed to be back on track on Sunday but since the patch kids performed and we had a pizza party for them, I just ate a slice and had a chicken breast I drank soda and all sorts of stuff.

The thing that sucks about Lindora are the killer protein days. They are a little hard for me. Then you have to do them once a week and those are even harder. This Friday is our church Christmas Party and we are going to...yep...a buffet. BUT the good thing about the buffet is that they have salads, grilled fish and all sorts of good options. The problem is that I want to eat that super soft yummy buttery bread and all the other bad stuff they have. I will try my darnest to get into ketosis by Thursday so that I am good on Friday. We have a Christmas lights activity afterwards too so it will be nice to be kid free. I have diapers and formula coming out my ears nowadays. I love my baby and everything but I can't wait to be free of bottle again. I can't wait to be back down to 200 pounds.....better yet....170-175 sounds much better. I will just be happy to be back at where I was at last year. I felt so good last year. I was the thinnest I had been in a long time. Anyway, I have lots of clothes that I can fit into if I loose more weight so I am keeping those in mind.

Let me see what else??? I still don't have my books from Amazon. Suprised they are taking so long. I am super broke right now, disability is finally sending me a check after a whole month. The good thing about that is that I get a few thousand dollars from back pay. Now I need to send in the Family leave paperwork so I can get cheddar from them.

My friend Jen called me today. I met her while working for John at Pinto and Assoc. way back when. She's always kept in touch and I am glad she did. I so don't keep in touch with people. She's buying her third house in Clovis, CA. This is a brand new home, totally customized for $420K. She's going to nursing school and for the most part has not worked while raising her 3 girls. Her husband brings home the bacon let's just say that. I would LOVE to be in that situation but I am not and I hope that I am not coveting. I know that pastor talks about that. I think God knows that that's what I want for my girls. A bigger house for them to move around in. This house is way too small for us. I was talking to Sergio about possibly moving to closer. It seems like a win win situation. I would like to be much closer to my parents but San Jose is WAY too expensive and any other place around Long Beach that is affordable like Clovis is San Bernardino which would be moving farther away. If we were to move to Clovis, I would be 2 hours from San Jose, and 3 hours from here. Totally driveable! Now......we just need God's blessing. Without His blessing I don't want to go anywhere. I am going to keep praying and am going to ask my family to keep praying for His blessing. I feel that this would be a good move for us. We will see what happens. OKAY. gotta go, Serg is handling the kids while I finish my post and I still have to go on fitday and write in the foods I ate. God bless.