
Me on a Mission!

Wow I am a little intimidated...why? Because I have been reading many many other bloggers posts and there are some very clever writers out there! I am NOT one of them. So I am once again reminding myself that I am doing this for me! Not to amuse others, this is like a "get-it out in writting" sorta thing. I was about to say "self-help" but I cannot help myself because I look to our Lord Savior for that. Not that I do not have my work cut-out for me because I SO totally do. So this will be a place for me to just rant and nobody will actually see this...well I will probably share it with my husband and a couple of friends...hmm...gotta marinate on that.

Well on my way to work everyday, I pray, I talk to God and I ask Him to help me in anything He can. He is merciful and he actually led me to listen to a great sermon this morning. It was about just giving it ALL to God...about giving yourself completely over to Him. Why is that so hard He asked me??! It's not. That's the point! It's hard only if you want to be of this world. I need to continue to do things in FAITH! I know He is challenginf me to do this. I KNOW what I need to EAT, I KNOW that I need to EXERCISE, and I know that I NEED to continue to stay closely connected with God. That's the plan! The secret is actually HAVING a plan. I am giving my ALL. I want to be a great testimony, I want to say "Look at me! This is what He helped me to do"!!. He will get all the glory.

OK so the plan is simple: Drink lots of water, take my vitamins, plan my meals for the day, organize my schedule. Most importantly I need get my thoughts together. I am like ALL over the place sometimes. I have to constantly remind myself to stay organized, look at my calendar, FOCUS BERTHA FOCUS....Just so much to do. I am happy to say though that we have been sticking to our Family Meetings and our nightly bible reading. Alexis is getting the hunger for God! She HAD to read from the book of ACTS to us. She kept telling us she had to read something REALLY GOOD to us...so we thought it was going to be a scripture but it was actually all of chapter 4 and and a half of Chapter 5. It was really good and we discussed it. We then continued on Luke. Anyway I will be on here periodically as I will use this as my journal.