So I left early yesterday to get my toe taken care of and man did it hurt!!! First of all they had to numb my toe so they had to stick a needle in it and pump it with numbing meds and it literally felt like it was going to burst. It was already super swollen and red. The Dr. basically cut half my toe nail off and I could not believe my eyes, my toe nail started to grown down on the side so it was really in there (disgusting visual I know). It looked like razor sharp which is why I was in so much pain. Now it's going to take about 4 months to grow back which should be enough time for my toes to look cute again for the summer. I went home and took a Vocodin. Ok, I NEVER take Vocodin because it upsets my stomach REALLY bad. I went home and had a piece of wheat toast with my low fat peanut butter, sugar free jelly and a glass of milk and took one because I was hurting THAT much. I think I am a trooper when it comes to pain but I was in PAIN yesterday. I even took another one 4 hours later when I went to bed. I was in pain all night though I couldn't even have my foot under the covers. So needless to say I didn't go for my bike ride like my silly butt thought I was. Even if I could of gone for the bike ride, it was pouring outside. So no exercise at all for me yesterday! I am still in quite a bit of pain today. I wore my velour black pants and sweater today because these pants were the only thing I could get my foot through without hurting it. Anyway, hopefully I get better soon so I can get back to working out.
So while I was waiting in the ER to be seen, I was catching up on my reading and in the Lindora book it said that if my color on my Keto stick was not as dark as I would like it, I could do 1 to 3 days of protein days again. I think I am going to actually do that because I am slightly in Ketosis but not much. I didn't even weight myself today because I got dressed before I went to the bathroom and it was such an effort to even do that this morning that there was no way I was going to get undressed again. I can live one day without weighing in. Plus I don't feel like being depressed if I didn't loose or even if I gained! I feel like crap right now, my stomach is all queasy and I look like poop. Oh well, just gotta get through the day. Ok God Bless.
I weighed myself this morning sorta dissapointed that I had only lost .4 pound but in actuality I weight more, I had just lost track of what I weighed. Here are my stats:
Day: 7 of 28
Keto stick: +5
Weight: 234.2
BMI: 46%
My body fat is back down but my weight is up by .8 pounds which is a little over half a pound. I guess this is where I see the downside of weighing in daily. I KNOW that I keep having too much fat in my diet and I need to keep my foods plain and simple. It seems like the turkey products that I thought were much healthier that the regular foods are not much lower in fat. I made breakfast for dinner last night. I should of had egg beaters but I felt like eating eggs over easy. I did and I had 2 sausages. I drank a little milk before bed as my toe is killing me. I don't know what happened but it is infected (sorry yuck I know). I was angry last night cause something ALWAYS happens when I am trying to accomplish something. Maybe God wants me to work extra hard, I don't know. I just know my toe hurts and I am probably going to have to go to urgent care to get it looked at. This is NOT going to make me stop working out. I won't be able to walk very much but I WILL ride my bike.
Yesterday I didn't get to really work out much except for my 30 minutes walk during my break at work. When I got home yesterday I had to pick up the girls at school and then take Serg to the community college to take some tests. He took us home and I was trying to get my toe to feel better. I cleaned up and then started to make dinner. Lauren and Scott were there for a bit and once they left and Serg was not home yet and it was 7pm we had dinner. He ate when he got back at 8pm. I gave Alani a bath, played with the baby, got my stuff ready for today and we read Proverbs 29.
On the way to work I was just thinking about how frustrated I am going to be through this entire journey and how unsatisfied I am going to continue to always be with my body. But you know what? I need to stop being like this, I need to stop hating my body, stop thinking about how much I am going to hate it when I am done with weight loss. I should be thankful that I am even loosing weight and have patience darn it! I get on my own nerves with my expectations and when something goes wrong, I get all psycho and I just need to know that things WILL go wrong. I need to accept the fact that I am NOT going to loose 65 pounds in 1 month and I am just setting myself up for failure if I keep setting these ridiculous goals for myself. Yesterday, I was reading some of my posts from 2005 and I was limiting myself to 25 grams of fat per day, 900 calories and tons of protein. I can't seem to do that now. Oh well, it is what it is. Till later. God bless.
I was actually looking forward to coming in to work today. Weird huh? Maybe because work brings back some normality into my life. I never thought I would say that, and maybe that will change in the future, but for now it's nice to be at work. Yes, even if I have to get up at 3am. I have actually been getting up at 3:30 recently. I shower before bedtime, get my clothes ready, set the coffemaker to brew on it's own and get my lunch ready. I can usually get out the door by 4:10. In the past I would eat breakfast at home but I found that doing that only finds me hungry at work an hour later. So now what I do is drink my hot coffee on the way to work and then drink 32oz. of water once I get here. Once people start getting in, I throw in some breakfast in the microwave. Today I was going to have a breakfast burrito but I don't have salsa, veggies or turkey sausage so I am just going to have some egg beaters with a slice of melted low fat provolone or LF cheddar, a peice of wheat toast w/my fake butter and some decaf. Ok stats for today:
Day: 6 of 28
Keto stick: +5
Weight: 233.6
BMI: 47.5%
Notice my BMI went up. Although in talking to Florence the BMI my scale gives me is way too high but even if it's high it tells me if it went up or down. Also, my weight did not change but my body fat went up? At first I was dissapointed but then I thought about it, I did eat healthy this weekend, but the foods were higher in fat. Another thing that I now realize contributed to my non-loss is that I did NOT drink ANY water all day yesterday. I didn't realize it until after my workout which left me super thirsty. Right then and there, I felt dehydrated. So yes I worked out last night like I said I was and it was a great workout! I was sweating like a pig (do pigs sweat)?? and little Grabriel was in his car seat watching me wave my hands and prance around like a dork. I jumped in the shower while I threw in some Blue's Clues for him, Alani was asleep and Serg and Alexis were at church. I skipped out on church because Alani had not taken her nap all day and she was super super cranky and Gabriel was also asleep when they left and we didn't want to wake them. Not to mention it was cold outside and my sore throat is still there. I took some nighttime cold medicine and asked Serg to give me a massage in bed and I knocked out cold. It was a little hard getting up this morning but I'm here on time thank the Lord.
I feel lighter though which is a plus. I am sure I will meet my "in my head mini goal" of 6 pounds this week. So here's to another week! God bless.
I wish I were more patient when it came to weight loss. It's like, when I decide to loose weight my body should just loose it already and I should be thin like TODAY! It's not like that I know so I need to be patient. Today we had church and I was actually up at 6am again but my throat is sore again. We all seem to be getting sick again. I mean I only had like a few days break. EVERYONE is sick though which does not help our recovery at all. The baby has a runny nose and so does Alani. Poor kids can't catch a break. Ok the baby is awake and drinking his bottle so I have to make this quick.
Day: 5 of 28
Keto stick: +10
Weight: 233.6
BMI: 46.5%
It's not as much as I wanted it to be, I walked quite a bit yesterday but I had hot wings for dinner. Homemade and as healthy as I could of made them. I baked them in the oven and simply poured some Red Hot on them. The fatty part was the skin, I could not get much of it off. This is the FIRST weekend in a VERY long time that I have not cheated. Reading my past notes and seeing how excited I was to be shrinking kept me going. Also last night I went through the clothes my sister Nancy gave me when we went to San Jose and they fit me now BUT they don't look good on me now because of my back fat and stomach. So I hung them up in my closet for inspiration. I have TONS of clothes that I can't wear now because they just don't look good on me.
By Valentines Day I want to be down to about 220, that's 2.5 weeks to loose 13.6 pounds. Wow that's kinda a lot. My body might not be about to loose 6 pounds a week. But it might be, if I really try and stick to the Program. I am taking my walking shoes to work tomorrow and will also ride my bike when i come from work if I STILL can't make it to the gym. My life is too hectic unfortunately for the gym right now. It kinda sucks. I just feel bad leaving my husband with all the kids for an hour.
I can't wait to do my taxes. I am so super broke it's not even funny. I have to pray hard that we get a decent refund. I need to fix my Grand Am, get tires, pay some bills, pay Alexis tuition ahead of time etc. Anyway, I popped in workout DVD, I am going to try out my new hand weights. Just hope the baby kicks it. Curious to see what my loss will be tomorrow in the AM. God Bless.
Finally protein days are over!! I am so use to getting up at 3:00am that I could not sleep past 6am. I weighed myself and here are my stats:
Day: 4 of 28
Keto stick: Don't have any
Weight: 234 (6 pounds lost so far)!
BMI: 47%
Serg was up with me too. We were getting ready to go do laundry because our washine machine is broken but we decided to just make some breakfast and go to the outdoor market. I made myself a yummy low fat scramble with bell peppers, turkey sausage and green onions. I sprinkled a little cheddar cheese on it and had a piece of wheat toast with my Smart Beat butter and a nice hot cup of coffee. MMMM. I made them a scramble similar to mine except theirs had homestyle potatoes and other fatty things. It looked really good. I ain't gonna lie :-)
We needed to buy Alexis a "reptile tank" and I was not going to spend $50 on one. God blessed us with a good deal, $8 bucks for one with everyting in it at the outdoor market. Well it was a hampster one but it's big and has things that we will need. I had not planned on buying anything else but I got some hand weights for $3 PERFECT for my DVD workout which I am going to do later tonight while Serg is at bible college taking a course on bible leadership. Pastor is teaching it and I am SO glad he is taking it. THAT right there was a huge blessing as well. The Lord is good, yes He is.
Anyway, I got Alani and Gabriel TONS of clothes, including Levi's Jeans for Alani, 2 other pairs of jeans, 2 dresses, 1 skirt, 3 tops ALL for $17.00. I also got two of those fish aquarium crib musical things for 50 cents each. Those things are like $35 EACH. I believe God wants me to give them to the couple that just had twin girls. So it's been a good day in my eating and working thus far. Gotta go now though off to Walmart for some home things. God bless.
Wow I am finally at Protein Day 3 which is where I ALWAYS mess up. I bargain with myself and convince myself that I have been "so good" and deserve to just start the program without completing my 3rd and last protein day. I am SO glad I am reading the Lindora book chapters because they seem to be in the same state of mind you are in on most days. I am totally not prepared today. I have no breakfast and thought I had no lunch but I found my Lindora chicken soup thank goodness. I am going to run to Albertsons this morning to get some egg beaters cause I NEED to eat breakfast. I had no eggs at home. REALLY need to go shopping. I have purposely not gone this week though because I need time to shop. I need to go to Trader Joe's, regular grocery store for all the basics and then to Wild Oats to get a few specialty items I can't really get anywhere else. OK so ready for my stats?
Protein Day: 3 of 3
Keto stick: Negative
Weight: 235.2
BMI: 47%
I could not believe it!! Another 1.8 pounds. That is almost 5 pounds in 2 days (today being day 3). I am telling you, this is the only thing that works for me. The concern is always "well are you going to KEEP it off"? I plan to and I have been successful at keeping it off in the past (until I got pregnant, TWICE)! Now anymore, well I really hope that my IUD does what it's supposed to do which I am sure it will.
So yesterday I got home and took a short nap. I planned to ride my bike and when I told Serg he said "well the tires are flat because it's been a while since we rode them" and he had this look "Oh please don't make me go into that messy garage to get your dumb bike out and then I have to put air in the tires". But I gave him the puppy dog eyes and said this "I read in the Lindora book today that people that work out while on the Lindora program lose up to 60% more weight that those that don't. Those that don't lose 1.8 pounds a week versus 3.9 pounds those that DO". He said "ok, ok, take a nap and I will get it". He ended up getting Alexis' beach cruiser out too and we went for a ride. She kept slowing me down though, either her cool-lots (coulots are like shorts but they look like a skirt) were getting stuck on her tires or "her bike would slow down" LOL (basically she was going uphill). She just learned how to ride her bike before she left to my moms this past summer. So she still has not caught on to the whole "it's way harder to ride uphill". So funny. So after 20 minutes of me waiting for her to catch up to me I said "let's take you home" and so I did and I rode hard for a good 15 more minutes. When I got off the bike my butt was killing me and my legs felt like they were going collapse. It felt GOOD though and I still can't believe I actually did it, and on a church night!! This weekend I plan on working out both days.
The hard thing about yesterday was makng them dinner. I made them some yummy spaghetti but with Riggatoni. I added some parmesan/Romano cheese and some monterey jack cheese to make it cheesy. The only healthy thing about the meal was the ground turkey. I had a grilled salmon fillet in the fridge which saved me! It was good but of couse I wanted some of that spaghetti. I reminded myself over and over again how BAD I wanted this. I am sick and tired of being fat and cannot wait to go shopping!!!
I am glad for the shedding of the pounds these past couple of days because it gives me momentum for the weekend. I will go grocery shopping today and be prepared. I already know that I am going to have a nice fat veggie and ham scrambble with some toast (with my fake butter LOL) and coffee for breakfast tomorrow. MMMMMMM!!
I am going to try and make those chicken satay skewers and am hoping I can find some low fat peanut butter, which I am sure to find at either Trader Joe's or Wild Oats. Well I think that is it for today. I am going to continue and search for yummy recipes today and this weekend. Gob bless.
Ok first off let me do stats:
Protein Day: 2 of 3
Keto stick: Negative
Weight: 237
BMI: 47.5%
Not that I think I lost 2.8 pounds of actual FAT in one day. I went to the bathroom SO many times yesterday. I must of been retaining lots of water. My BMI went down too though. We'll see. I've seen a big loss before only to bounce back a pound the next day so I am not getting excited just yet. So I was reading my Lindora book yesterday (because I always forget many things about this program) and I forgot I follow the program to a T for 28 days. Once those 28 days are over, I add more food, or do what they call "Phase 2: Metabolic Adjustment" for 14 days. Then I can come back and do 28 more days to loose more weight if I have more weight to loose which I totally need to. I was looking at my old notes/menus and I had lost 20 pounds by day 20! My notes and old menu's are really going to come in handy because I can go back and see what foods I was eating when I had big losses. So far it looks like I lost several pounds a week when I had shrimp. Weird because I think shrimp is the "fattier" fish. I love salmon but noticed I would not loose very much when I ate it. So it's interesting. I also noticed I would have a loss only when I limited my beef intake. If I had it one day I would lose, the second day I would lose a little less but by the third day there was no loss. Basically I think I will need to change it up daily. Chicken one day, fish (or shrimp) the next, and then steak (all with veggies and salad of course). Now I can't wait to be able to eat fruits and salads again.
Last night Alexis went to Chuck E Cheese with the twins (my neighbors daughters) because it was their birthday. Anyway, Serg said "So what's for dinner"? and then continued to say "Oh yeah....protein...." (because he remembered that I hated to cook when I was on my protein days). I think I told him not to go there and wanted to cook just so he would not learn to 'hate' my protein days. I think he has a harder time when I do my protein days than me. Seriously. I have to go to the grocery store because I need so many things. So I made him breakfast for dinner! Man I am not gonna lie, it looked SO good. I made him blueberry pancakes, spicy louisiana sausage and two eggs over easy. I made myself some steak and it was actually pretty good and I felt satisfied to the point that I didn't even have a snack before bedtime.
I woke up with a headache today. This darn headache is a serious pain. I only had one tylenol left but I need to go out and buy some Exedrin. That's the only thing that's going to get rid of this stupid thing. I actually went to bed at 8:15 last night. I always think I won't be able to fall asleep but always do within minutes. I am working on my other blog to get my recipes all in one place but am struggling a bit because this guy at work that sits accross from me is so super nosy and gets up from his desk like a million times a day and stares at my computer. He's a snitch too and if my boss does not care why should he? Anyway, I need to go fill up my water cup and get some green tea to see if that wakes me up or gets rid of this annoying headache. Until later. God bless.
Wow so I feel pretty good today! Today is DAY 1 of me being on Lindora so I have 3 days of strictly eating protein. With a little planning and motivation I can stay on track and LOVE the results. EVERYDAY, let me repeat, EVERYDAY I am going to come on here and log my weight and stats (even on weekends). This is what you are going to see daily:
Protein Day: 1
Keto stick: Neg, positive +1 (or +2 etc).
Weight: 239.8
BMI: 49%
This is in addition to logging my foods in FitDay. Ok so let me continue....with Lindora you don't have to work out a whole lot BUT when you do the results are AMAZING. I never recommend Lindora when I start to loose the weight because it is really difficult. But it's the only thing that works for me. I talk myself out of it a lot of times because I can't eat meals with my family and I start to feel bad. I talked to Serg last night and I told him that he could not do that to me. I need to loose this weight and he can't make me feel guilty for eating the things that I need to eat to stay on plan.
I had also bought the book Cook Right For your Type and most if not all of the foods that Lindora restricts are not good for my O+ Blood Type. Wouldn't you know that MY blood type is the one that #1 has to work out the hardest, #2 - Wheat products aren't tolerated by Type O's AT ALL (bye bye wheat bread). It contains lectins that react with my type O digestive tract and blood and interfere with with the proper abosorption of beneficial foods. Most importantly it said that IT CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN because glutens in wheat germ interefere with metabolic processes. SO I need to stick to Rice flour and buckwheat which I have NO IDEA where to buy or what they taste like. I can have wheat occasionally it says. I have to learn to read labels more carefully again because lots of foods have wheat and you would never know it.
There are even fruits I need to say away from like melons which have a lot of mold and Type O's have a proven sensitivity to mold. WEIRD HUH!!? Also I love juice but of course, the only juice good for Type O is, yep Vegetable juice. Pineapple juice I found will help me avoid retaining water and bloating!! I read the other blood type acceptable food and they are totally opposite of each other. My beloved coffee will eventually get written out of my menu as it has high stomach acid levels. I will not however give up my morning coffee. Nope, can't do it. They recommended I drink Green Tea for the caffeine so I am going to try that a few times this week to see if it really works. I think it's a mental thing with the coffee. This whole thing about me "needing" it is probably non-sense.
I am going to continue to read the book until I get a sense of what foods I should really be avoiding because it seems like something is up with me and my weight. Today I am going to once again start taking my PCOS meds like I am supposed to. I was getting bad side affects because I was taking 500mg in the AM, which worked fine but then I took 1000mg at bedtime and that was making me feel super ill. So at lunch I will take 500mg then at bedtime another 500mg. I looked at some notes from 12/4 and I gained 8 pounds instead of loosing. That is flippen sad. I am hoping to loose 20 pounds a month so we will see how that goes. I just want to be at 200 which is really the lowest I had been in years. I am carrying these stupid extra 40 pounds which just make me look FATTER. I need to be in the 200 which is my FAT stage. That's where I last left off and I want to see how much farther I can get. God bless.
Ok need to get this off my chest. I am upset. I guess you can say I am upset at my body and metabolism. I hate having PCOS. I weighed myself this morning and I didn't loose ANY weight!! I did have some pizza during the game on Sunday but geesh to have NO loss because of one meal is crazy. I have been eating SO good for quite some time now and no loss?!! Ugh. I had the worst migraine for 2 entire days this weekend which really sucked. On Sunday when I pretty much had it with this headache I gave int o eating pizza. My head is still aching from it can you believe it? I am frustrated to say the least. One thing I can say that is my fault is that I have not been working out as hard as I need to be. I expected to loose weight by eating better and working out very little.
I did throw in the Prevention 3-2-1 workout DVD yesterday afternoon and my legs are actually sore today. I brought my workout clothes to work (finally) so I could join Florence on her walks during lunch. This morning as I was in the shower I literally felt like crying but didn't because I am NOT going to feel sorry for myself anymore. I have PCOS, yes it is hard to loose weight when you have this, and the meds I am on give me this horrific headaches and make me feel like I am going to puke 24/7 but OH WELL!!? What else am I going to do? Give in and stay fat all my life? I want to desperately be much slimmer and maybe that is giving me some anxiety about my weight not dropping. It's just too darn bad that I don't have a fast metabolisms. I need to accept THAT and move on.
I decided once again that I NEEDED to get back on Lindora. The eating is not much different than what I am doing now, but it's something about doing those 3 protein days that gets my body into gear. It's like a slap in the face for my body and me saying "You are loosing the weight wether you like it or NOT"!! Seriously. So I need today to prepare, to read my Lindora book. Reading a chapter in that book daily keeps me going. I need to make a grocery food list of what I need. I need to buy eggbeaters for sure.
I missed work yesterday because I had to take Gabriel to get more labwork. The poor kid still has diarrhea and the most horrific rash. We can't even wipe him with wipes anymore. We have to wash his bottom with soap and water because his bottom is that bad. I feel so bad for him and it's like the Dr's can't really do anything until the lab results come back. The solution is not diaper rash ointment but getting rid of the diarrhea. The Dr said he would be testing for Rotavirus and NOW that I really think about it all these diarhea problems started when he got his 2 month shots which included that NEW oral rotavirus vaccine. Great! I am going to call today to let him know so he can get those lab results back ASAP!
Anyway, yesterday I was on the bigest loser website for a while. Trying to get motivated. I thought that by seeing all those people loose weight I would want to and I do but I just feel like I am so tired. I know I am this tired because of my weight. I am very heavy right now. If I really think of it, I am at one of my 2nd biggest weights. The first two weeks of working out is going to be hard but I need to stick to it. Maybe the walks with Florence will kick in the motivation. I had an idea on my way to work this morning. I can take Alexis to sell her candy at the Aquarium and hopefully when I get my taxes, I can buy a used double stroller and take both kids with me on speed walks on the marina. I will talk to Scott about checking out some candy for Lauren as well so she can stay there with Alexis. That will get the kids out of the house, some alone relaxing time for Serg and Alexis can sell candy to pay for her school tuition. ;-) I will be back later.
I have been wanting to post the pictures of what I look like NOW but it's too much for me to handle. I took a photo sideways and also of my front view and it's not a pretty thing. I can't believe I am that fat. So I went to create my virtual model - I created one on how I look now and then what I will look like when I hit my goal weight. I kept thinking my BEFORE model looked too fat and I kept trying to make her more skinny. Ok I AM FAT. I cannot make the virtual model skinnier if I am not. I know I have a little bit of an advantage because I am 5'10 so I always think I look thinner, but really, I don't. Anyway. I have no idea how to post this pic on my sidebar. I am not really HTML and all that savy. So I am just going to post it on this post for now. I would like to look at it all the time to remind me of what I used to look like.
Yesterday I was looking at my body in the mirror and I can't believe how fat my stomach is and I hope that I don't have a lot of loose skin afterwards. I have never had loose skin with my past weight loss but that was BEFORE I had kids. Who knows what it's going to look like after weight loss AND 3 kids later with my first being a c-section. I told my husband that most likely I would need a tummy tuck to get rid of that disgusting c-section tummy. I don't think that it will go away completely. I have heard many of girls (skinny and all) talk about that c-section tummy that will not go away. So maybe I will have 5K laying around to fork out for a tummy tuck after my weight loss. While I am at it I might as well tell them to build me a nice buttocks and remove the fat between my thighs. know that fat that makes your legs rub together? I hate it. Funny cause in my family I am the tallest girl, the only one with DD boobs, freckles, fat thighs and definitely more outgoing or talkative than my other siblings. I am the black sheep of the Fam-Bam.
I did not go to church last night because I really did not feel like getting everyone sick. Plus my husband gave me this horrified look when I had a cough attack and could not stop coughing until I drank water. He was like "You're staying home". I had planned on it. My poor Gabriel was sleeping anyway and I didn't want to wake him up. He had been totally fussy all day. His butt burns I think, it looks like it stings. I am going to have to call the Dr. today so they can give him some medicated rash ointment cause we are putting all this stuff on there and it only helps while it stays on. His diarrhea is a little better with the expensive formula but it's not entirely 100%. I am going to try and find out the results of his lab work. I almost wish it was a bacterial thing so they get him on meds and make him better already!!
Well at least today is Friday! I am SO looking forward to sleeping in this weekend. This getting up at 3:30am has me tired as heck. Well that's it for now. I need to go into Fitday and write down my food plan of attack for the day. I actually brought a sasndwich for lunch!!! God bless.
It seems like when I get home my cold and cough kicks in. It sucks because I think I might of given the baby my cough. I heard him coughing this morning when my husband was burping him and I was walking out the door. I had to drink some of that nasty disgusting Nyquil to fall asleep. It tastes like liquored up licorice (spelling?) yuk. I slept good though and I did not want to get up. Scratch that, I could not get up. I heard the alarm going off but I didn't get the idea that I was to actually get up to snooze it or turn it off...I finally came out of my sleep comma and got up.
I updated my FitDay which is what I really wanted to get done. I didn't get a chance this morning. I was not able to keep my dinner down last night because of all my coughing...yuk I know. There's not much really going on with me today. I feel like my fat gut has gone down a bit and I resisted weighing myself because I was afraid of being dissapointed. So I will wait till Monday for weigh in. Maybe I will just wait the entire month of January. We'll see if I can resist.
My sister called me yesterday and said she had lost 10 pounds! I am so proud of her and glad that she took the doctors concers seriously. She also invited me to go to Vegas in April for her birthday. Sounds like a lot of fun. By then the baby will be 7 months old and will be much easier to care for. I had to run it by Serg to make sure he was cool with it. He really did not give me a reply cause I pretty much told him I was going. I am sure he will throw a little hissy fit when it comes closer to when I have to go. I can't wait to get better so I can work out! My ultimate dream would be to loose 50 pounds by then but that would be like me having to loose 3 1/2 pounds per week in 14 weeks. I think it can be done but will it? We will have to wait and see. This week I probably have lost 2 pounds. I have been eating salad for lunch pretty much all week so I need to get better so I have the energy to make different things for lunch and dinner.
Geesh what else??....Well for now, that's it if I can't think of it now, then it's too much boring info. God bless.
So my plans never go as well....planned. LOL. Things don't go horribly wrong, they just change. We didn't go to the gym but that's ok because I threw in a workout DVD and was surprised at how non complicated it was. I've always steered away from workout DVD's because I always remember the days when I jumped into an aerobics class at the gym and felt like a complete fool. Everyone in the class had all the movements memorized and the aerobics instructor was this stick thin lady that was going a mile a minute. Those classes are so not for beginners. Anyway, I need to buy myself several things to make the workouts more efficient, like the resistant bands, that small heavy ball (forgot what it's called) and some decent weights. My husband has weights but they are total guy weights. I don't want to work out with these honkin' metal things. So as thrifty as I am, I will be keeping a close eye at the open air markets. I am sure I can find a great. The workout DVD I have now (brand new) I bought for $1 as opposed to $15 bucks.
I was also on Craiglist last night looking to buy a used stationary bike. There were some super great deals on there. There was a total gym in there for $50 bucks so I might need to jump on that ASAP. I need to talk to my hubby first though. We didn't get much "us" time yesterday as I had a Dr's appointment for my son's diarrhea issue. I don't know if I mentioned it but he's had it for 2 weeks and does not seem to be tappering off. I took him, he has 2 ear infections (I was surprised to hear that) and has some sort of weird protein allergy. I guess this specific form of protein is in milk based and soy based milk. He's on soy milk already so I really thought it might be a parasite or SOMETHING. Well the answer was no and he switched him to Nutramigen which is that super expensive formula. Good thing I came back to work when I did. Anyway, as long as he gets better, I will fork out the cash for him. He started on it right away and guess what? No diarrhea all night. For almost two weeks everytime I change his diaper, it was a poopy diaper. So I was shocked. It's working!!!!
Ok on to other things. Um.....I never took Alexis to the library as Serg had to go to a meeting with our church regarding our new building. She was upset but she's impatient just like I was when I was a kid. My mom was telling my husband all about it and he was like "Really"????? So I am going to try and take her today.
Ok healthier eating subject....ok so on Discovery Health challenge it "allows" me to have 1800 calories but the menu's it creates for me are never more than 1400 calories so I am sticking to 1000 to 1300 calories per day. I will keep cutting that down if I don't see the scales move within 2 weeks or so. I need to be good on the weekend. I can't stress that enough. I need to make myself yummy food so I don't feel like I am missing out. The only way I am going to accomplish healthy eating on the weekend is if I make my entire family eat healthy. Ultimately that is my goal. Alexis is overweight for a 10 year old and I want to start teaching her how to eat healthy so she does not struggle in the future. She is at risk of developing childhood diabetes so it's pretty serious stuff....I just don't like to address it. I think I feel like it really puts pressure on me to really do this and I don't like pressure. It's got to be done though. Alani is slender and hates fast food LOVES veggies and home cooked meals. I think I read somewhere that most 2 year olds are vegetarians. I know she totally is. She always avoids the meat on her plate. She will eat SOME chicken but not much so I have to make sure she gets her protein elsewhere.
So putting in my "Meal Plan" on FitDay REALLY does help keep me in line. I think twice about sticking stuff in my mouth because I know that if I do, I HAVE to put it into FitDay. I do this in the morning because then it won't get done and having an eating plan really helps. Sometimes there are changes in my dinner but I still keep it healthy and I make the changes on FitDay.
I believe that is it for today...I might come back here later when I think of other things. Till later. God Bless.
I read part of yesterday's post and I felt the energy coming from it (when I talked about working out). Unfortunately I never got to the gym because I had to load all of the pictures I had on my work laptop to photobucket and that took a good two hours :-( I went for a short walk with florence yesterday but that's pretty much it. We went to Albertson's to buy the dressing I wanted (the asian sesame ginger) and my lunch was delish!
It was really cold too and my throat is killing me so I think we are going to have to skip the walks outdoors in this cold weather this week. I am just super scared of getting really sick like last year when I got bronchitis and was sick for 4 months! I couldn't even breathe. So I am hoping that this throat pain and my man voice goes away this week. I am going to atleast try to make it to Bally's this week. Sergio wants to go with me so I need to sign him up for the Discovery Health challenge as well and print a pass for him. When I get home I have to follow a pretty strict regimen or the day will be gone just like that. When I get home today, these are my plans:
1) Start dinner
2) While Sergio goes to Walmart with the baby, Alexis, Alani and I will go to the library. I am just going to have him pick us up when he is done. He wanted to go to Sears too which is right around the corner from the library.
3) Eat dinner or go to the gym first? It depends on if Cindy can watch the baby for an hour. I don't want to leave the kids at home with him. He's too fussy and Alani acts up with her so I don't want to leave Alexis in charge of both brats.
4) Read our bible, pray and go to bed.
I need to start going to bed at 8! I just can't get myself to do it. I feel selfish when I want to go to bed early because the baby is up and Alani is tired, but hyper. This is the time where she gets in trouble the most. I think maybe what I will do is put her down for bed as well so if the baby is up, serg can just kick it with him and Alexis will be out of her shower and just winding down for her bedtime at 9pm.
I added some new links to my site. Some new blog reads. I took those off where the gals where not loosing any weight because they were having issues. Not that it's a bad thing, but I have issues and I NEED motivation. I need to read about loosing and how GREAT it feels and how great they feel. It inspires me. What I was finding myself doing with the "non-loosers", it was sorta dragging me down and I was playing into some of their excuses (which were legitamate in alot of cases). I still read their blogs and hope that they get the inspiration and that their problems get resolved. It's great to see when the cloud of glooms stops looming around them. I am the type of person that is happy for other people, that's why I want to loose this weight so I can encourage others. I can't help others loose weight when I myself can't do it.
This is a wonderful scripture to keep in your heart - especially now, during this time of DECISION:
James - Chapter 1 verse 5 & 6
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
But let him ask in FAITH, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
Ok let's see I had like a million things in my head on the way to work today and now I can't think of what to write.
Ok first and foremost I would like to thank Florence for accepting my friendly challenge to loose the flab. I honestly think I am up for a pretty decent challenge this time! I am kinda scurred. But alas I am prepared. I started to feel like I was coming down with something after church let out yesterday afternoon so I went home, made lunch for everyone (including myself), put Alani down for her nap, the baby was asleep and I changed into my pajamas and took a nap. Until the bubbly wubbly woke up that is (that's one of Gabriel's silly names). He was such a cry baby yesterday and refused to sleep almost the entire afternoon & early evening. Sergio and Alexis went to the grocery store cause sergio saw that I looked like a disgruntled housewife and knew I was not going ANYWHERE. So he ran to grab groceries and went to costco. My lovely husband bought me more fish and while the baby and I skipped out from the evening service at church, I baked cookies for my husband (he kept bugging me to make them), baked salmon and tilapia, then made dinner. In between baking cookies and fish, I gave the baby a bath because he just kept trippen and would not let me cook. So I wrapped him up tight, put him on my bed and he nodded off for about 30 minutes. Enough time for me to put dinner together.
The good thing is he slept from 10pm to 4am. He was THAT tired. Before I ran out the door this morning, I changed his poopy diaper, gave him a bottle, woke Serg up so he would not forget to burp him and ran out the door with a million things in my hand. It was Freezing!! I think it was 39 degrees. throat feels like crap and yes, I am tired even though I got a whole 5 hours sleep. I wanted to go for a walk today with Florence but since this cold is trying to get me, I figured I should workout indoors so this cold does not put me out of commission for a while.
Last night some dude from Bally's called and offered me free training. He said "I see you signed up for the Discovery Health Challenge and wanted to offer you free training." So I think I want to go check it out tonight and see what all this involves. I need to cancel my 24 hour fitness membership since it's too far from my work and my house, I know I will never go. The locations are just not convenient for me. I am going to stick with Curves for another few weeks then if I like Bally's and they are reasonable I will get a membership with them since it's pretty close to my house and then cancel Curves. Plus I can ride my bike there....extra workout.
Today while I was driving here I was trying to motivate myself by remembering how nice it felt to be able to slip on tons of clothes, just like that. A lot of times I change like 50 times because I look fat in everything. I want to be able to pick an outfit, and stay in it. Period. I need to be healthier too, I truly do. I say that time and time again in here, but I really need to think about my health. I have high blood pressure and an extremely high risk of developing diabetes. In fact, I KNOW I will be a diabetic when I am older if I don't loose this weight. I need to be an example to my sister as well. I want to motivate her to loose weight. She was thinking about doing Nutri System, since she does NOT cook and has NO CLUE waht to eat, this would be good for her. So I need to do this!!! Working out is a pain in the butt at first but I know that once I get to doing it there's no stopping me. Alright enough blabbering. Till tomorrow. God bless.
Ok note to self: Even if I am itching like crazy do NOT take Benadryl. I have all these bites on me, I literally counted like 14. ALL on my left side and man do they itch. I took a nice hot shower last night and since I was still feeling itchy I took a Benadryl and it knocked me out cold. The problem is that I have to get up with Gabriel and man I almost lost my balance 3 times. I could only manage to open one of my eyes. Sheesh. Right now I am still dead tired. It was cold so on the way here I had to turn on the heater in my car and that made me even sleepier. I made my coffee extra strong today and it barely woke me up. The only way I stayed awake on the drive here was to put my music up a little more and sing along. Good thing nobody could hear me cause I cannot sing.
So today is day 4 of my "healthier" eating and I feel WAY less bloated, I mean I feel like I lost 10 pounds in 2 days. My bloating was horrendous. The other really weird thing is my period dissapeared last night. I hope it was a period and not bleeding from the IUD. I'll have to look it up online and see if this was just a side effect of it. The IUD does not have any hormones whatsoever so I am hoping it's still in there ok.
I brought the same thing for lunch as I did yesterday. I am all about simplicity. Dinner was good last night. I made lean pork stir fry. No oils at all. I added extra veggies but I did have a little bit of white rice. Just a tid bit though, like 1/4 of a cup and I mixed it in well. Oh and I had a short glass of milk. I am a milk drinker and I had not had any so I "treated" myself to some.
Man I can't but keep thinking how tired I am. I had things I wanted to talk on here about but I can't remember.....S L E E P Y...........God Bless.
I should not say that. I am doing GREAT! I just don't feel so great.....cause I am still very bloated from you know what...ugh..Today is day 3 that I have been on Metformin (glucophage) and I feel better today. Yesterday though I felt like crap! I felt like I was going to throw up every 5 minutes. I read that drinking milk helped but I am at work! Actually there probably is milk in the vending machine, anyway, out of desperation I took a few Tums and I felt 100% better. Every now and then I would feel a little woozy but not terrible. The TERRIBLE part was that I was SOOOOOOOOOO sleepy. I hardly slept the night before because the baby kept fussing and I am a pretty light sleeper when it comes to the baby. I drank like 4 cups of coffee and it kept upsetting my stomach but that's the only way I would stay awake. I was just cranky all together yesterday. I went home and could not seem to take a nap. Instead I got up and started cleaning my house. Serg has been helping me with house work but guys just do not clean right. He does a great job at doing laundry and vaccuming but he does not like washing dishes and he does NOT mop the floor. I have to mop my kitchen floor, and if my kitchen is not squaky clean, then I feel like my house is a disaster area and I will seriously be in a BAD mood. My hubby made chicken soup for dinner and it was perfect for the cold evening. MMMM.
Anyway, what else. I was talking to one of my co-workers, in fact she reads my blog, HI FLORENCE!, and she said she would start going on walks with me during lunch. I just need to bring my sneakers, pants and a t-shirt. I will probably start going to Curves for a while too during lunch 2 times a week here in Westlake. I can walk with her 3 times a week or go there when it rains and we can't walk. Hey Florence ya wanna be my competition buddy to loose weight?!! Nobody seems to be as serious as you and you already know what foods to eat and not to let me know!! Call me a weirdo but like I mentioned before I need to compete to get motivated to loose weight. I want to look babealicious for my hubby in the summer AND go crazy shopping.
Oh I tried a sample of "Ken's Steak House" brand Sesame and Ginger Asian low fat dressing and oh my soul! It even tastes better than my #1 favorite dressing from Paul Newman. So I am going to go out and buy it tonight. I had a nice huge salad for lunch today with a Salmon filet. So filling and so the bomb. I can't go into Bally's with my free pass till the 13th. I thought it was the 10th but I thought wrong. I looked it up on the site yesterday to print my pass, which I still need to do now that my work printer is hooked up. Ok I am getting boring....gonna sign off for now. God bless.
Man I felt so great yesterday waking up to come to work for the first time in months. Today, not so good. Gabriel kept kinda crying last night, more like complaining and he was probably just hungry. I was just tired and I didn't "get it". Anyway, I woke up later than usual but I am still so tired. I got my IUD put in on Monday and since then I have been bleeding and cramping. The cramping hurts but the bleeding is not super heavy. It's like day 4 bleeding type thing of a regular period.
So yesterday worked out to be pretty good. I came to work, drove home, got home and played with the baby and Alani and talked to Alexis about her day. Then Gabriel and I took a nap. I took about an hour nap but I was supposed to go to bed at 8pm. We figured since I am getting up at 3am to go to work and between 8pm and 3am I am getting up to feed the baby once and I will be up for about half an hour I should be going to bed that early so I don't feel like I feel right now. I am thinking about taking a nap during my lunch. I might just do that. I think this "period" cramping feeling is making me more tired. Sucks. I need to drink lots of water. I think I might be dehydrated. I know the baby is dehydrated because he's had diarhea for like 4 days now. My husband is giving him pedialite though so hopefully that will help him a bit. He has a bad rash from pooping so much so I gave him a bath last night and let him soak in there for a bit in hopes that it would soothe the rash. I plan on giving him another bath tonight.
So I joined the Discovery Health Challenge. You get 8 weeks I think of a membership to Bally's and menu's for breakfast lunch and dinner. I need to go on there again to print it and also to chec out my menu's and log in my weight. I baked my salmon this morning and plan on having it for lunch. I need to go to Costco to buy some salad but I probably won't go until Friday or so. I can't wait till this weekend. Well I am going to come back here later and blog because I totally feel like crap right now. I am going to take my meds and some tylenol and see if that helps. Till later. God bless.