Ahhh...I finally made it here to post. Sheesh it's been long enough. Ok so I had the baby and he was 9 pounds 12 oz. Can't believe it. He's 3 weeks old already and I am still hurting. I had lots of stitches. I didn't ask how many but I can feel I had quite a bit. My recovery got postponed as I had to have a D & C due to some placenta being left behind and some blood clots. Yuk I know. I had to have several internal exams and ultrasounds down there as well and I think one of my stitches actually came out which I am not sure what I am supposed to do. Call them and get them to restitch it? I guess I will need to find out sometime soon.
Ok so my birth story will have to be short and sweet since I had started to post one and my mother in law which is visiting from Arizona lost her truck keys and had me calling all sorts of very rude locksmiths that answer their BUSINESS line like this "HELLO"? and you're left wondering "Is this a locksmith", their reply is "YAH". Ok how the heck do they do any business. Anyway, she found them under the cushion (where she said she had already checked) 2 hours later.
OK now the birth story for real:
I went to my Dr's appointment on 9/21 after I worked for a few hours (from home) and told my boss I would be back to work more hours. When I got there my weight was up 4.4 pounds, I was swollen as a balloon, protein in my urine was 3+ and my blood pressure was crazy high. So Dr said "Go to Labor and Delivery cause you are having the baby today". He gave me the option of stripping my membranes but since I was going to have the baby anyway I figured there was no point. We had Alani with us so we had to make arrangements to get her taken care of and Sergio had to drop me off in L&D to get situated while he went to pick up Alexis and Lauren from school early. So he took them home, left Alani with them and Cynthia took over her when she got there. Sergio got my bags and called everyone from home and on the way back to the hospital to join me. I had to call him to make him hurry because when the burse practioner checked me I was already 4 cm!!! No wonder I could not sleep ALL night. Sergio thought I had not slept because I was anxious about the Dr. appointment but I was truly uncomfortable to the point of tears. Anyway, I was moved to my actual labor room and walking to the room the whole thing felt surreal. When I had Alani I was pretty out of it and it took a long time to get to 4cm. The NP told me what the plan was for my birth. It was 12pm when I went in and she would pop my bag of water at 3pm. If that did not get my contractions going they would add pitocin. At 5:00pm they checked me again and I was about 5cm but not moving fast enough so I was given pitocin. At about 5:45 when the contractions started to hurt more (not to the point of screaming) but they hurt, I asked for the Epidural and I am glad I did, while I waited they started to hurt more and more. I can't remember the times that well but I think it was at about 7:30 that they checked me and I was at 6cm. Sergio and I estimated that the baby would be here by 8:30 and 9:00pm. At 8:00pm I was 9 1/2 but still had the "lip" and so they checked me again at 8:15 and I was ready to go! The Dr. said "ok everyone let's get ready to delivery" I was SOOO excited. You don't believe this day will ever be here! So I start to push when they tell me to and 4 pushes later, the dr is struggling to get him out and I am thinking "Why are you twisting and turning so much" so he tells me "SMALL push" I do so and he says "WAIT" and then "OK GO FOR IT, BIG PUSH" I do and out comes this HUGE child. I can FEEL the fat on his back and arms and I am thinking, "This kid is fat". So they weigh him and they shock me by saying "9 pounds 12 ounces" I think in my head, that's #1 almost 10 pounds and #2 that's MORE than Alexis". He was also longer than any of my kids.
THe poor thing as totally bruised though. His face was totally purple and his nose was DARK purple. His first pictures I look crazy. I didn't even order hospital pictures because they would of come out ugly. He was beat up from the birth canal since he was so big. Sergio was totally happy. I am so glad that he arrived into this world healthy.
I will be back later to post more info about what' been going on in my life. Right now, Alani is up to no good so I have to go. God bless.
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