Well yesterday after I got off work I think I got 2 or 3 things done off my list of like 20. In my earlier posts I mentioned how I had these incredible energy bursts. Well I am afraid to say they are going away. My husband was fixing the kids room up, hooking up the stereo, cable and TV and I could not even stand there for longer than 2-3 minutes. He sent me away and made me go sit down. I started to get super itchy again and took a Benadryl. I knew I was not going to get through the night if I didn't. Anyway, I took my millionth shower since I have been feeling hot and itchy all day and I think I fell asleep pretty fast BUT I woke up at 12:00 and went to my couch. I tossed and turned on it for about 40 minutes, got up went to bed, baby decided he wanted to be awake so I lay there awake, then I could hear my hubby snoring and I woke him up so he would stop. STILL no luck falling asleep. It was 2am by now and I was WIDE awake. I went back to the couch, then got up and took another Benadryl as the package says take every 4-6 hours - oh I guess I didn't mention that this whole time I am itching. Head, legs, arms - just everywhere. You know what it feels like? Like ants are crawling on you. It's the flippen worst. I was commanding the baby to come out already. I am D O N E. I might not be 100% ready at home but I am done being pregnant and want him to come already. This sucks! UGH....I noticed that I keep having "wishful" dreams about my water breaking. My mom called last night and said they were coming into town this weekend which is great! It would be so nice if I went into labor while they were here. My sister is also coming with her two boys. She's 29 weeks pregnant I think. So she's coming to hang out with me. My parents are going to a party and I know I'm not going - it's too far from here and with my luck I would go into labor being away. Anyway, I guess that's it. My right arm and hang is totally swollen. It feels and looks like a giant's hand. Seriously. I morphed into something very weird looking...my nose is big, my feet are like a size 12 probably,ONE of my arms is huge......ok I'll stop.... God Bless.
My feet feel like they are going to burst again. I am almost off work and I already have a list of things I need to get done. My husband has been doing a lot. He put my curtains up (I am going to put up some pics tomorrow or Friday once we are done). My bathroom looks good. Matching towels, shower curtain and all other things match. Satisfied with that. My room got rearranged today in such a way so that the things for my third child fits. I can't believe all that is being done in this house to get ready for this baby. I don't think we did half the things we have done so far with Alani. I mean this house is changing from top to bottom. I am tired and all I have done is work today. I just took my last break and jumped in the shower because I am just HOT today and it's probably like 80 degrees tops. I just feel icky now. Contractions are starting to be more painful everytime. Not consistent ones so I am for sure not in labor but they just hurt and I am just hoping they are doing something. Not sure if my Dr. is going to check for effacement or dilation on Friday. I know he's going to test me for GBS and that requires some open leg actions. Hate those. Still so embarrasing. At least when you are in labor you are in pain and you don't care but when it's the dr. that's been taking care of you for 9 months, it's like "ok spread em' lemme take a peek". Anyway, it's gonna get done. I hope he does check for dialation or effacement and tells me I am like 3 cm or something. I don't think I have dropped because I still feel out of breath a lot & I've read that when you drop you feel like you can breathe better. Also, I am still hungry all the time. I eat and like an hour later I am hungry again. I don't give in usually and when I do I have my allowed snack. UGH...my feet....they are swollen and they hurt! I am still itching too, a little less than this morning but still itchy.
Well I guess I just wanted to come and wine for a sec and talk about what's been happening at my house, work wise......alright God Bless...be back to report about my Friday 36 week APPT.
I labeled this post trip #1 to L&D because I think I will end up there again eventually before I actually give birth. I was there this time because I have been itching like nobody's business....like all over...top of my feet, arms, my back, Oh my gosh my back, and Oh my gosh my boobs, neck....just unbelieveable. So I look up "Itching" in my "what to expect when you are expecting" book and it starts talking about HELLP...and all kinds of drama about how my kidneys can shut down and one of the symptoms is itching. So me not wanting to brush this off, call my Dr. because by this time my hubby is breathing down my throat and wants to take me to L&D (at 6am) so I wait for the call, she tells me to go to L&D because my Dr. is on vacation till Wednesday anyway (I have an appt. with him on Friday) and they can do blood work etc...so I get there and stay till 3pm. They monitor "G" (the baby) and he's happy as a clam...I am even having contractions (WOO HOO!!!) so they check me all around, no rash, they order blood to be drawn and if I am deloping this HELLP stuff, they will call me so I can come back ASAP. Otherwise my Dr. will go over the results when I come back to see him on Friday. I never got a call and I am still itching. They told me to take Benadryl which helped a little but I had never taken this stuff before. When I went to go buy it I thought it was like cough syrup looking but ended up they are pills. I took one, fell asleep and woke up with a MEAN headache. I felt like I was hung over. I am totally itching now and am tempted to take another one but I am in the office today (since my hubby is finishing the work at Matt's house) but I still have to drive to Matt's house and I am scared that I am going to be really dizzy. At least he's driving home. I will probably take one when I leave but I am not sure I am going to hang that long. We'll see.
Anyway, I will be 36 weeks soon and I am hoping baby will be here within the next two weeks. I wish I would go into labor NOW but we are not quite ready yet. I washed the baby's bedding, stroller, car seat and some clothes, but not all. I still have to wash all my blinds too!! My husband is putting up these really nice curtains and curtain rods all over the house. We got THE BEST DEAL ever on these rods. I got them on clearance for $4.00 (the rods) instead of $13 (each) and then I got curtains that were between $30-60 for $3-$6. So my entire house will have curtains and we spent about $80 on EVERYTHING. He put my bedroom ones up and man they look nice!! We got a really nice sateen duvet cover as well and it will look so good in there. The kids rooms is coming along - they have new comforters, even back up sateen duvet covers, and really cute matching decorative pillows made of velvet type material. I got Alexis underbed organizer containers for her polly pockets and barbie stuff. I just need to get one couch out of my living room as our "decluttering" process and re-arrange some stuff, like our room, to make room for baby rocking chair and now the basinette (which I also washed with baby soap).....wow tired of typing.
Thank our Lord, He gave us the energy to do all this and go to Sergio's mini family reunion in San Fernando. His aunt & uncle which raised him had a get together and he got to see his cousins which he has not seen since he was like 13. He was the popular one there and they kept telling him how good he looked and how he had a nice family. They looked at him like they were proud of him and he totally looked SO happy and I am so glad. He said he felt wanted when he was there and thanked me for being his wife and giving him his kids (awwww). Anyway, ok just had to document that. God bless.
Wow so I figured I would be more tired than EVER by now, well I have my days, but this week I have been getting these energy bursts out of nowhere. I am still in pain, especially when bending down because I can't really bend down because of my water balloon stomach, but I can actually DO stuff. When I sit down I collapse but then once I rest for 5 minutes I catch myself sweating again getting into another "project". I have been such a freak since getting pregnant. I have been preparing for this baby to come for months. I have cleaned out kitchen cabinets completely, cleaned BEHIND the stove AND microwave cart (which was so totally disgusting by the way). Watching all those shows on TV (me and my hubby) makes ME want to declutter my house. WHen you are done watching them you look at your house and you're like YUK!! We have painted every room in this place now (the kids rooms twice now) except for the kitchen which does need to be painted now cause to me it looks ugly with all the chips in the wood from just wear and tear. The doorframes need to be painted as well. This weekend I am going to call my landlord so he can provide us with paint like he said he was.
Anyway, so Serg did work for this guy from work, which was a blessing because now I can pay a bill I was going to get a little behind on, I was debating whether or not to get behind on it and get the mattresses with that instead but I *think I will be responsible and pay the bill. The beds will have to wait till I get more income coming in. I am supposed to be waking up my husband right now so he can get ready to go to the church to put together the play set he built for my babysitter but he has been working so hard all weeek! He painted the kids room on Monday and moved all the furniture in, then preped, sanded, primered and painted the bathroom. The Wednesday and Thursday he did similar work stuff at my co-workers house, except he actually got paid there. Today and Saturday he is working at church building this huge wood playset thing (not charging the church). On sunday they asked him to work as parking lot security but I really don't want him to because it's the church's 18th anniversary and there is only going to be 1 service and food afterwards and how am I gonna handle everything being so pregnant. How is he gonna eat? So I think I might make him call and say he can't do it cause he has to help me with the kids. I think it's only reasonable, he's already contributing by being there for 2 days. Oh I forgot one thing he did also, when he was dreadly and deadly tired, at my babysitters house, her toilets, tubs and sinks were ALL clogged and he begged him to go out there to fix. We headed straight over there after work and she bought dinner, but he got it done.....so proud of my husband. He's had a crazy life and in the past he has done some things to hurt me. But thank God Jesus died for our sins and through God's Grace we are saved. Saved through the blood of the lamb. For this, I have forgiven him and now my marriage has never been better. With God in our lives, I NEVER in a million years thought it could be this good! Thank you Jesus.
Well I am 34 weeks now...seems like now that I am posting on a weekly basis the weeks are going by even slower. I remember being 12 weeks pregnant and thinking I wish I was 20 weeks, then when I was 23 weeks I wanted to be 30 weeks. You're just never satisfied I guess. This week I told hubby "34 weeks" and he looked dissapointed he said "I thought you were 35 weeks!!!" Yep, he's getting anxious too. I took a sick day yesterday cause I was just not feeling good. Headache to the max, cramps and sore throat. All went away except for the cramps. I know this is TMI but my "down there" hurts ALL the time. I feel like the vains are bruised or strained or something. It hurts when I walk or do ANYTHING for that matter. I am TOTALLY waddling now and I so don't want to. Dawn at church was apparatly walking behind me and said "Bertha you are totally waddling" I said "I know and i don't like it". I feel as if the baby's head is between my legs". I am telling you I did not feel like this with Alani until the last 2 weeks or so. I have 5 more weeks? Seems like a little to alot of people but if you look at me, you're like, geesh, she's not gonna make it. To tell you the truth I am gonna pray SUPER hard for this baby to come at 36 weeks since he will be considered full term. That would be the week of Sept. 4th. A girl can dream no?
Let's see what else is going on. The kids room got painted! It looks nice and serene now. Not a shocking purple/lavendar anymore. It like a very light capuchino. The dressers got delivered this weekend. I am super broke now of course. We bought 3 of them dark wood. We were up till 10:30 PM getting everything in there. I made Sergio bring in the bunk beds from the garage and he assembled them. Now all we need is $250 bucks so I can buy the mattresses from Costco. :-) I am washing baby clothes right after I get off work today and Sergio also got the car seat and boppy pillow out of the garage for washing. We still have tons of things to do so me wishing that the baby comes in 2 weeks better not happen for my sake. Well we might be ready. Not sure...we'll see. It might be better that the baby is born on time as that would mean that I can work till the end of Sept and I would have Oct, Nov and December off for Maternity leave. I would be super broke for Christmas but hey that's ok. We don't need no stinkin' presents. As long as the kids got some, I would be totally cool with that. I am sure we will be totally fine. I am just dramatic when it comes to $$$. My hubby is supposed to do some work for this guy from work so that will bring in some $$. Lately he's been doing a lot of free work for people but God blesses us because of that. He has let me know this week that is so totally there and I thank Him and love Him so much more for that. That's it for now. I have been eating like a total porker this week so I expect to get yelled at by the Dr. on 9/1 which is my next Dr's appt. I will *TRY to be good this week though. GOD BLESS.
Ok so from now on the following day I am going to come on here and post about my appointment with Dr. Marshall so it's documented. You think you are going to remember but ya don't.
MISC: Ok so I was running a little late to the appointment, Nancy, Alexis and Alani came with me. I forgot to remind Sergio to get a stroller out of the garage for me so we had to walk in there with her (which is always dangerous because she grabs everything).
WEIGHT: I gained 2 pounds in two weeks. Scale said I gained 4 pounds but I had just eated AND taken a shower so my hair was wet. Doc said remove 2 pounds. WHEW. Better but still not "acceptable". Sucks. It's that darn Louisiana sausage I have been eating. I bought more of it this weekend when I went grocery shopping but I also decided to get the turkey sausage, I compared the calories and was shocked to see 26 grams of fat on the Hot link sausage to 6 grams of fat for the turkey. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. So needless to say I am laying off the other stuff although it is super delish (but also gives me heartburn).
Blood pressure: Was high like 152 when I got there but that was because we were rushing and I was nervous about weight. SO, she had me lay on my left side for about 5 minutes and it was 118 which was the lowest it's ever been. I didn't tell the dr. that I had JUST taken the meds like 1 hour before I got there. So I need to continue to take it in the AM so when I get there I know if it's worn off by then and need to go back on taking 2 of them.
NEXT APPT: In two weeks, then they will be weekly as I will then be 35 weeks. I think my NST appointments will start either at that time OR at 36 weeks. Can't remember.
and last but NOT least.............
BABY: Turns out that my itty bitty is not so itty bitty anymore, little monster, he's 5 lbs 4 oz now. His head measures that of a 33 week 4 day old, but his waist was measuring at 34 weeks 6 days and worried the doc for a second as babies from mom's with diabetes tend to be fat BUT then he measured his femer bone (sp?) and it also measured that of a 34 week 6 day baby so he said it all worked out. His body proportion measures on target with his waist. So he's most likely going to be a tall boy as he is measuring almost 2 weeks ahead in length and weight. Fatty boy.
I need to dig up Alani's ultrasounds to see what weight she was at at 33 weeks. I am curious now. But I am getting better at my eating I think. OK so I had Ben and Jerry's ice cream the other day and I bought Chips Ahoy cookies that I have been munching on here and there (I need to hide those as they are my weakness, they are so good!) I only have 1 or two (or three when I push it) but still I need to hide them or make everyone else eat them before I eat them all. I need to buy more sugar free cookies but they are just not the same.....sigh....But anyway, I think that that's all the "BAD" stuff I had. Before I get that 2nd peice of wheat toast I think about "G" (the baby) and what it will do to him (fatten him up even more then I have a hard time pushing him out and I have to end up getting a C-Section) and I back off. I think I am going to make me some breakfast now so I can eat some healthy stuff. God Bless and more to come later...
33 weeks today and according to my pregnancy ticker I have 49 days to go. This weekend we are supposed to get the 3 wooden dressers we had ordered from this furniture place in Orange County. Got a really good deal. So on Saturday morning I have to empty all of Alexis drawers and Serg is going to move it to the garage. Someone if supposed to come by Thursday night to buy Alexis furniture. I am selling it for a super good deal. $175 for the whole thing. Queen bed with Mattress, dresser, mirror and two nightstands. I put it on the pennysaver and got alot of calls this weekend. So hopefully these people pay for it on Thursday then they are supposed to pick it up next weekend.
My sister is visiting from San Jose this week. She knows I work from home and basically came to spend time with Alexis. I get off work early so we have plenty of time to do things after I get off work. It's nice to have some family around for once. I get lonely sometimes you know? There's nothing like having your mom or sisters/brothers around. They know you....the real you.
Anyway, let's see....symptoms wise, I am sleeping a little better, instead of getting up every hour on the hour I am actually sleeping 2-3 hours at a time! That's such a huge thing. I have my days where I am just in pain, cramping, can't bend down, out of breath and feeling like I am going to pass out if I don't sit down but I actually think I am getting a little used to it. We went to the mall yesterday (Nancy me and Alexis) while my hubby and Alani stayed home to take a nap. and I think we were there for MAYBE an hour. By the time we went to the last store, Nancy was like you ready to go home. I was like "yeah" she noticed I had to keep sitting down. My back was flippen killing me. Sometimes my days are bad like I said. Yesterday was one of those days. Towards the end of the day I am D O N E. It sucks cause I wish I could be more active so I can do things with my sister, like go bike riding and such. I think I am gonna ask Serg to let's go bike riding tonight. I can walk and they can ride. It will be fun to get out and do that. He doesn't want to because he feels sorry for me I know cause I can't ride a bike anymore. My belly is just too big and I am super clumsy right now so I know I would loose my balance. I can't even put on my clothes (bottoms) without holding on to something, so that kinda tells ya everything. Seems like it's just TOO early to feel like this but from reasing the pregnancy boards "Due in September" EVERYONE seems to be on the same boat. Pain Pain and more pain.
Well I think that's it for now. I will be back later this week as I have a Dr's appt today and my sister gets to see the baby via ultrasound!!!
Man oh man. I woke up feeling like I have a hangover, but there is not that alcohol taste in my mouth or stomach. I didn't sleep very well at all last night AGAIN. Need Unisom. I took my blood pressume meds late last night which I am sure have to do with this horrible neck type headache I have. I even just threw up. I woke up at 5:55 from my couch. I probably sleep for about an hour (if that) on my bed, then I went to the bathroom like 4-5 times AT LEAST, then I just gave up and dragged some pillows to my couch but was not very comfortable at all all night. I got up for the millionth time and took some tylenols because I felt the headached then tried to go to bed and woke up with a very painful pain in my stomach. I knew right away what it was, tylenol with no food in my stomach. Got up and slapped some peanut butter and splenda sugared jelly on 1 piece of wheat toast and had some milk. Felt way better. Sat up on my couch and just stared out my window. Only 1am. Ugh....
I didn't go soul winning last night with my church. It was just too much. We went to the beach though (before soul winning), and I KNEW and Sergio knew I was tired because I had been up since 3am to drive into work. It was either go to the beach and try to sleep there OR stay home with Alani and my hubby take my neice and nephews to the public pool. I knew I would not get any sleep with her here. She gets into EVERYTHING. So I went and I did sleep for a bit but that walk from the car to the actual shore, wore me out. By the time we got home and showered and ready to go, DUDE I was in pain. I kept getting charlie horse type cramps on the sides of my big pregnant belly. I could barely make a move without feeling it. ON top of that all, when I had gotten home, I noticed that my left foot and ankle were swollen. I felt like I had a club foot and my skin felt tight and just yuck. So I was like no way can I go to church.
So I am hoping that I at least make it to 36 weeks SOON cause I want to have this baby already. I am not ready for him, but I just want this to be over already. I know I will miss being pregnant but dang it, this is hard, this kid has seriously beat my body up this time around. I don't think I have woken up feeling crappy THIS many times like ever. So early in pregnancy. People say "Oh you're almost done", UM no I'm not. I am ALMOST 33 weeks but that's not ALMOST there. Yesterday Sergio got home from church and said "Oscar asked me if I was sure we weren't having twins" I told Sergio that I really did not think I was much bigger than Alma. When I went to her babyshower and they did the toilet paper game thing, where you wrap so many block of toilet paper around your belly, well she was 12 squares of TP and I am about 13 1/2. I am 5'10 though so I think that 1 1/2 more blocks of TP for someone 5'10 AND I am a big girl when I am NOT pregnant so I think I may LOOK bigger than her because I don't wear baggy clothes or something. I dunno. I feel better knowing that I am not really THAT much bigger. Her due date is 5 days farther along than me. SO anyway...my head is pounding and Alani is asking for JUICE. Gotta go... God Bless.
Ok here my my whinny baby post....LONG....starting Friday
I called in to work sick on Friday as there was no way possible I was going to be able to drive in to work on like 10 hours of sleep the ENTIRE WEEK. This baby boy of mine is proving to be a challenge already. PLUS, Alexis has had an ear infection since we went to Newport Beach last weekend and it was BAD all week. The little sleep that I was getting, she would wake me up crying. The meds she got on Tuesday for her ears seemed to not be working. Her ear was totally RED and swollen and I could not even lighty touch her ear because she would start crying. I thought she was exaggerating but then I saw that her ear was actually red and swollen. Anyway, more drops, more treatment and we were both all better by Saturday night.
Saturday started with me making breakfast, Sergio went to Pastor's house with Albert to try and finish fixing his bathroom addition. He took my Envoy because his truck is getting worked on at the shop. Albert's dads worker took out the bumber trying to pull out of a parking space. Don't ask my how that can happen but it did. So I wasn't really going to go anywhere anyway, I did laundry, cleaned up the house but this whole time I feel AWFUL, like seriously I felt like I was in labor on Saturday. I had THE WORST cramps, going from the front of my stomach to my back. I had those painful lower back cramps, like when you're about to get an awful period or like the first day of that grosse period. I kept drinking water and tried to keep myself on a positive note. Alma's babyshower was at 1pm and I was supposed to make an entre to bring but there was just NO WAY I was going to cook something, watch Alani AND get ready. So when my husband got home to drive me to the shower, I had barely gotten out of the shower, the gift was not wrapped AND I had no food for the shower. So off he went to the chinese food spot to buy a tray for like 20 people of Chow Mein and Orange Chicken. I asked Cindy his sister to watch Alani as there were no kids allowed and she was all excited because this is the first time ever we leave her alone with her. Hubby was NOT happy about that but oh well what can I do. He wanted to complain more but he knew I felt like absolute crap. I took Alexis with me though. We got there and like 5 or 6 of the ladies had their kids. Some people just don't follow the rules. So we eat, I hear "Oh whoa look at your belly" like a million times (basically look at how big your stomach is).....open presents, I eat cake (that I am not supposed to eat) and I helped clean up (as crappy as I felt since I had to wait for Sergio)...we get home, and I actually start to feel a little better (maybe it was the cake!) just kidding. Cindy decides she wants to keep Alani and to my total and utter shock, my husband is OKAY with it. So we take Alexis to Dave and Busters since we never take the kid anywhere alone, since our almost 2 year old brat, is well, a two year old brat. We eat and have a good time, we come home, get Alani and finish off the night nice and boring watching TLC trading spaces and the episode sucks so I go to bed alone.
Sunday, we wake up late, don't go to AM Sunday school OR church, clean up, I cook, we lounge and I wash more clothes, fold, clean clean and clean. I start to feel like crap AGAIN. We start getting ready for PM church service, our bus kids 5 week ministry turn starts, new verse, new song and new skit. Our assistant pastor and his wife make it known (to me) that we were not there in the AM service. OKAY....I say....they figure I was not feeling well...good guess...so we come home, I am in a not so good mood because I was just tired and hurting and mad that I can't even bend down without being in pain, I start to get dinner together, and instead of my hubby asking me if I need help with anything, he sits in front of the computer and starts looking whatever up. I looked over at him and said "sure honey, you can help me by doing blah blah blah" he got up and was being a big baby and then Alexis said "yeah Dad don't be all sensitive" or something to that effect and that was the end of that. He got totally pissy, I told him not to help me if he was going to have an attitude, it all ended with me saying "well don't eat then, WHATEVER" he marched off, didn't eat dinner" and I was totally fine with it. I was like (in my head) "COME ON I HAVE HAD SUCH A BAD TIME ALL LAST WEEK, THIS WEEKEND, AND I STILL DID ALL THE FLIPPEN CHORES AT HOME, INCLUDING THE LAUNDRY, WHICH IS HIS JOB, I COOKED FOOD FOR LIKE 2 DAYS, I AM COMPLAINING AND IN PAIN THE WHOLE WAY HOME, AND YOU JUST SIT AT THE COMPUTER LIKE YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS TIRED, WHAT!!! DID I MISS SOMETHING HERE". Yes I am crazy, I said all this in my head and I stuck to my guns. I am just a wicked pregnant woman right now. Don't mess with me. As of this AM he's still mad at me and he slept on the couch. I had the bed all to myself. I am sure he's got a little neck pain going right now. He's really hard headed so I betcha he'll still be mad when he gets home. If he apologizes, I will have to as well, that's IF.......just kidding. If he doesn't make peace I will.... That was God telling me that ya know... God bless